AMD Next Horizon Gaming E3 2019 Re-Cap and Analysis


Staff member
Apr 23, 2019
In this editorial, Brent Justice recaps the AMD Next Horizon Gaming E3 Keynote where AMD drops a few more microphones off its podium. Brent summarizes the announcements and provides his thoughts on what was presented.
Good read, Brent.

Its going to be an exciting year for us, for sure. I wonder if we will end up seeing a "big" Navi by Christmas season...It wouldn't surprise me
Yar, hoping to see 5800s (or whatever their higher stacks will be called) released sooner than later. And, maybe, with the rumored 2000-series Super's launching next week, we'll see (or at least hear) of AMD's high-end plans.
looking forward to the 3700x vs 2700x write ups and/or 2700x/3700x on x570 vs x470 motherboards
looking forward to the 3700x vs 2700x write ups and/or 2700x/3700x on x570 vs x470 motherboards

AMD has publically stated that there is no performance difference between the two chipsets. I imagine that OC abilities might change between the boards, however
Remember when AMD was marketing, I think it was Fury or Vega, as "Built for 4K"

I'm not disappointed by Navi - I think it's exactly what AMD had told us they were going to give us. I just think.. given we are looking at a replacement for Vega, to see it priced about the same as Vega is kind of underwhelming. On the other hand, I really have nVidia to thank for that, as AMD is just pricing it based on where the competition is. Hopefully we see some price jockeying by both sides to bring those down, and not some revival of insane mining demand.
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