AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series GPUs Suddenly Failing at Very High Rates, Repair Shop Finds


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
AMD may be facing another controversy over its Radeon RX graphics cards. KrisFix-Germany, a YouTuber and repair shop owner from out of Germany, has published a video that suggests Radeon RX 6000 Series graphics cards are suddenly and mysteriously dying at a very high rate, having recently run into 48 dead Radeon RX 6900 and Radeon RX 6800 models out of a total of 61 units. KrisFix-Germany suspects that this may be a driver-related issue, as all of the failed GPUs were reportedly running on the latest Adrenalin (22.11.2) drivers.

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Hmm… just at one repair shop?

Are there similar stories out there from other areas?
Yea I'm running my 6800xt on those same 'problem' drivers and haven't been seeing an issue. I mean they have been in the wild for over a solid month now.

Why would a technician risk his intergrity, BUSINESS, etc. just to fabricate a story about ANOTHER inferior AMD's product (under that great Su ?) if there were not some serious issues to look into here, huh?

Yeah, but somehow, "they" will make this about this guy here and play salty with him, smh!

What should be the focus is, this report is NOT new, so, if not true, where's AMD's PR response to these alleged cases, especially when there's another super company damaging situation is happening right now too? ?

CES is looOOoong over. No more excuses as a crutch anymore.

Clearly, 2023 has not been kind to AMD and we are just a few days in, folks! ?
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Clearly, 2023 has not been kind to AMD and we are just a few days in, folks! ?
I'm always suspicious of stories just like this.

Sometimes they are true. Often times, they just kind of pop up at very convenient times, and then just kinda go away when no spark catches fire.

I've often thought that many players in the consumer space employ propogandists: people who's job it is to just go post stuff on reddit, stir up things on message boards, encourage streaming influencers, etc.

I mean... one repair shop in Germany sees an uptick. Right after the vapor chamber story kinda fizzles out. And all of it occurring right when major outlets, and particularly those that focus specifically on Wall Street, are starting to catch on that nVidia cards aren't selling. It's a classic deflection move: point out something bad about the competitor to keep people from focusing on your own issues, and the one thing that nVidia does respect and fear is Wall Street.

Not saying this is for certain happening, but when I put on my tin foil hat, it's awfully coincidental. And I wouldn't say AMD has a clean nose either; after all, if it's only <0.02% of 4090 users that had bad connectors, there sure were a lot of pictures floating around all over the place. But this one smells particularly fishy:

Why would a technician risk his intergrity, BUSINESS, etc. just to fabricate a story about ANOTHER inferior AMD's product (under that great Su ?) if there were not some serious issues to look into here, huh?

Yeah, but somehow, "they" will make this about this guy here and play salty with him, smh!

What should be the focus is, this report is NOT new, so, if not true, where's AMD's PR response to these alleged cases, especially when there's another super company damaging situation is happening right now too? ?

CES is looOOoong over. No more excuses as a crutch anymore.

Clearly, 2023 has not been kind to AMD and we are just a few days in, folks! ?

Dude... way to gorilla market again. I find it interesting your multiparagraph posts are all about amd this or that bad. Please move on.
That is interesting. Well see if this dies off now. It usually takes two or three internet solves for the real solve to come forward.
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