AMD Ryzen 5 3400G CPU Review


Staff member
Apr 23, 2019
Continuing our Ryzen 3000 coverage, we have taken a look at the low end of the product stack with the AMD Ryzen 5 3400G CPU. We bench it against Intel's offerings in the $150 price range to help you figure out which budget CPU is for you.
The 3400G has been a great value for my wife's setup.. Running the ASUS B350 Prime w/ 4x8GB Oloy brand RGB memory (she likes blingy stuff)... She does a lot of multi-tasking so I set her up with 3 monitors so she'll have our 8 security cameras up on one .. Hulu on another monitor and then spreadsheets and Chrome w/20 tabs open on another and it's been a great stable and snappy setup for her.

I was running the 2200g prior and couldn't run more than 2 sticks of memory without having odd random issues popping up.

She only does Facebook type games
I was hoping for gaming benchmarks with the iGPU... It didn't make sense to buy this if you're using a discrete GPU only. This would be good for htpc or sff build as you mentioned, but didn't see much in the way of testing for those platforms. Gaming vs 9400f would be useful and a better comparison to real world use of this product. Who knows, it may even have ended up with an award if tested for what it would be used for :).
I was hoping for gaming benchmarks with the iGPU... It didn't make sense to buy this if you're using a discrete GPU only. This would be good for htpc or sff build as you mentioned, but didn't see much in the way of testing for those platforms. Gaming vs 9400f would be useful and a better comparison to real world use of this product. Who knows, it may even have ended up with an award if tested for what it would be used for :).

It's on our list to do, but we are a little backed up in the CPU review department right now. Some basic GPU testing was planned for this article, but reached a facepalm when we realized that the boards being used for comparison didn't support video out. At that point it got put into the backlog, but I believe that @Brent_Justice has it on his list of things to do... (Of course, we have a long list of things to do...)
Yeah, both my Z390 and X570 test platforms lacked a video output. I have alternatives, but by that point I was so deep into the testing that it wasn't feasible to include it at the time.
I was going to "upgrade" my wife from her ASUS B350 Prime to my old ASRock X470 Master SLI/ac .. but the ASRock mobo only has the HDMI out whilst the ASUS has DVI,VGA & HDMI out and my wife runs 3 monitors. I didn't want to have to put a video card in to boot when her 3400g has been handling video duties on the ASUS just fine.

Office or lite gaming (Fortnite,Minecraft ..etc) , The 3400g is a great processor
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