AMD Will Boost Performance of Zen 5, Zen 4, and Zen 3 CPUs with New Windows Update, Delivering up to 13% Faster Gaming Performance on Ryzen 9 9950X

My current plan is to upgrade my platform this fall, if X3D only launches in 2025 I might stay with intel if the benchmarks are good
looks like a lot of ironic click bait from these guys.

must watch

TLDR version, huge improvements for Zen 5 and Zen 4 (and probably earlier Zen architectures as well, but they only tested 4 and 5). It's to the point where it is baffling that this update wasn't in place years ago. As much as 35% in some titles (though most improve less)

That said, because the update benefits all of Zen, the end result is that Zen5 goes from an average of about 1% faster than Zen4 to an average of about 2% faster than Zen4.

Intel architectures gain nothing from this update though, so the comparison to Intel is greatly changed in an "if you are a reviewer you might have to redo every benchmark and review you have ever done" kind of way.
It almost makes you wonder how Windows could take such poor advantage of Zen for so long without anything being done about it. Could there have been another manipulation by Intel to try to keep the competition away along the lines of what they did with their compiler? Did they pay off Microsoft (or individual Microsoft Kernel/Scheduler developers?

The differences here are so staggering that it seems this can't just be the result result of an incremental improvement. And how did no one at AMD publicize the hell out of this? They can't not have known. If I were AMD I would have been driving this home and publicly shaming Microsoft every opportunity I got since Zen launched in 2016.
There's some discussion about security mitigations that were in place, that caused cache flushing on Zen architecture, and it was just overlooked, since the buffer sizes increased with zen 5, it treats it a little worse, so this update removes those mitigations since AMD put hardware mitigations in a long time ago.
And how did no one at AMD publicize the hell out of this? They can't not have known. If I were AMD I would have been driving this home and publicly shaming Microsoft every opportunity I got since Zen launched in 2016.
It would be up to AMD to push the software changes - and it's not like Microsoft isn't receptive, as they added functionality to the Xbox Game Bar to better corral games on to X3D CCDs for dual-CCD parts.

I'd liken it more to AMD just being behind in software in general, versus say Intel in the CPU space (and driver space) and Nvidia in the GPU space.
There's some discussion about security mitigations that were in place, that caused cache flushing on Zen architecture, and it was just overlooked, since the buffer sizes increased with zen 5, it treats it a little worse, so this update removes those mitigations since AMD put hardware mitigations in a long time ago.

That could help explain it. Still, that sounds like something AMD should have been aware of and hammering on daily.

Do you have a source? Or any link on which mitigations we are talking about? Are these the side channel attacks that were related to (but less significant than) Intel's Spectre/Meltdown vulnerabilities?
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