Yes I play it at the ripe old age of 47. Started playing it to have something to do with my kid once he stopped playing Borderlands and L4D with me lol. I actually wound up liking it and have been playing it since season 3. I play PUBG a little too but I liked the mechanics and gameplay of Fortnite. It's just a lot smoother and more fun to play. PUBG has gotten a LOT better but it's still kinda clunky compared to Fortnite.
I only play solos though. You're right about it being creepy and I felt like a child molester the few times I played squads cause it was always a bunch of 12 year olds lol.
I suck at the game though. I don't care for building and am mostly a low ground warrior. I get 1-3 kills a game and if I hide and lurk some, I can make it into the top 3 most games. I have yet to win one though. When you only have a few hours a week to play video games, it's hard to compete with all the kiddies that can play 12 hours a day.