Assassin’s Creed Valhalla May Dip to 1188p on Xbox Series X to Maintain 60 FPS, Unlike PS5 Version


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Ubisoft

Ubisoft released its first major patch for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla last week, and luckily for Microsoft, the 1.0.4 update improves the performance of the Xbox Series X version substantially. This has been documented in Digital Foundry’s latest video, which confirms a solid 60 FPS experience in Performance Mode that’s largely consistent with how the game runs on the PlayStation 5.

Ubisoft seems to have taken the lazy route instead of legitimately optimizing the game, however. As Eurogamer explains in a...

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Obviously, this will take more than a simple bandaid fix.
Wait, but all this time everyone was about how the xbox has the better HW?!
They are basically just PCs now, so I question the validity of them optimizing for PS5 but not for X.
How about let's stop judging the console on a single cross generation title released a week before the actual console. Come back in a year and we'll see how both consoles are holding up. Regardless of the hardware, game libraries determine the better console.
that's ok. In two years both companies will release new, improved versions of their consoles.
How about let's stop judging the console on a single cross generation title released a week before the actual console. Come back in a year and we'll see how both consoles are holding up. Regardless of the hardware, game libraries determine the better console.
Since there are virtually no games for them at launch, what else is there judge them on? I'm sure ubisoft had access to both consoles well before their street date, so released before the consoles is not an excuse I'm going to accept.
How about let's stop judging the console on a single cross generation title released a week before the actual console. Come back in a year and we'll see how both consoles are holding up. Regardless of the hardware, game libraries determine the better console.
This, this, so much this.
I was talking about this on another discord and people would not let it go. I am buying neither console as I did last generation but its so obvious that judging performance of hardware by these titles is a foolish early judgement.
Since there are virtually no games for them at launch, what else is there judge them on? I'm sure ubisoft had access to both consoles well before their street date, so released before the consoles is not an excuse I'm going to accept.
You judge them based on the ecosystem you're already invested in and the library available. Granted, Microsoft did kind of bring this on themselves with the claim of the Series X being the most powerful console released to date. Anything that contradicts that, even though it is technically true, is good for getting a lot of website traffic right now considering the hype around these new releases. In other words, it's just noise that I will mostly ignore while the normies swarm this bait.
You judge them based on the ecosystem you're already invested in and the library available. Granted, Microsoft did kind of bring this on themselves with the claim of the Series X being the most powerful console released to date. Anything that contradicts that, even though it is technically true, is good for getting a lot of website traffic right now considering the hype around these new releases. In other words, it's just noise that I will mostly ignore while the normies swarm this bait.
Lower render resolution seems very much like fact to me. I remember how virtually every past AMD GPU since 290 was going to be the next big thing and faster on paper, only to be giant turds each and every one of them. So "faster on paper" I don't care about. Slower in games, I do care about. And as you say they set themselves up for this kind of scrutiny. If you cover yourself with honey don't be surprised if you attract flies.
Granted, Microsoft did kind of bring this on themselves with the claim of the Series X being the most powerful console released to date. Anything that contradicts that, even though it is technically true, is good for getting a lot of website traffic right now considering the hype around these new releases.
Same exact think Frank Azor did with the 6800 GPU release. They put out a bunch of hype before the facts could land, and it went down otherwise and now is biting them in the butt.

A single title isn't a huge deal... concerning, and merits watching, but could just be a one-off. Madmummy does have a point, there aren't exactly a ton of cross-platform made-for-next-gen titles out there to make inferences on. But that gets fixed with a bit of time.

I don't think it has anything to do with AMD sounding good on paper but sucking in real life, especially since both the consoles are running AMD. There are only two things that could contribute to this: lack of system optimization, and OS/System Services/API overhead running on the different consoles.

We've already seen that Microsoft ended up being much better to backport next-gen features to (enabling 120Hz/VRR support in older titles). Just a for example: It could very well be that the OS layer that provides for that also incurs a larger native performance hit... Or maybe the lack of dynamic clocks is leading to some thermal throttling... Or something to that effect.

Apart from that example, it's also a good example of healthy back and forth between the competition - you get some wins (and loses) on both sides, it makes both systems compelling, just for various reasons. It's not necessarily a bad thing that one isn't the clear-cut winner.
But, but... these are 4k consoles right? they can beat videocards costing as much as the consoles themselves, right?
They can even do RT at 4k and 120hz, right?

To think people actually fell for that...
Keep dreaming...
I would say lets see how the generations pan out. The real issue here is for pc gamers which video card will be embraced for the next two years. Amd has a compelling point about their video cards being written for in these current titles. Will this performance translate or will Nvidia hold the gaming crown?
But, but... these are 4k consoles right? they can beat videocards costing as much as the consoles themselves, right?
They can even do RT at 4k and 120hz, right?
Well... Given that the 1650 is going for the price of a console right now... yeah.

Although that is more an indictment of just 2020 in general than anything to do with console speed or software optimization.
I would say lets see how the generations pan out. The real issue here is for pc gamers which video card will be embraced for the next two years. Amd has a compelling point about their video cards being written for in these current titles. Will this performance translate or will Nvidia hold the gaming crown?
It didn't do a darn thing last generation for AMD, since consoles have been AMD APUs for the past 7 years. Although, for a good chunk of that AMD was largely vacant from the PC scene while they punted to rebuild.
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