Baulder's Gate Three


Forum Posting Supreme
Jun 24, 2019
To start, the quick answer as it were. If you enjoy computer based RPG’s, and like games that are deep. Yes you will enjoy Baldur's Gate Three. I dare say you will love this game. I have personally restarted the game at leas 4 times. Just because I wanted to try different classes and types of characters and every freaking time it’s been different. And the differences don’t feel small or minute. They feel expansive. Class abilities and spells and just class ‘thematic’ things matter. But among all of the classes I’ve tried… any class that can speak with animals…. Is something I will be LOATHE to do without in this game on any future playthrough.

Let me explain… and I apologize if this feels like a spoiler. If you have speak with animals going (a cast and forget kind of spell only fades after a long rest.) you can talk with… every animal you see in the game without fail. Cow’s, sure, bird, yep, dog, of course, squirrel YEP. It feels like the number of NPC’s just increased by 20-30 percent. And unlike the decoration bipedal NPC’s the animals are almost always MORE entertaining!

Oh and skill checks matter, having 1 character to do everything in the game without cheating is neigh impossible. You NEED someone that can pick locks and disarm traps. You NEED someone that is good at conversations and insight. Oh and yes there are class/attribute conversation options that are needed. And yes you will OFTEN be rolling to influence someone in conversations. Intelligence, charisma, and Wisdom rolls frequently present themselves.

I haven’t felt like a game for me has been worth more than the priced paid in a long time, not like I have with Baldur's Gate 3. I would love to hear comparison to Planescape Torment. I think perhaps Baldur's Gate Three is AT LEAST on the same scale… if not possibly better. If only because of the GM voiceover and how everything is voice acted.
Only thing I'm missing is player character voice-over. I get why they may have decided to skip; I'm just more pining after the experience in Bioware's games.

And on the subject of Bioware games, BG3 comes across as the best modern successor to Dragon Age: Origins (DAO). Regularly reminded of experiences from DAO, including the lack of player character voice-over (which was added alongside character customization restrictions for the DA2 and Inquisition sequels).

I'm still on my first bumbling playthrough, not really digging into the 'deepness' of the game much yet outside of what's needed for progression. I'll jump further in once I have some experience I think.
Larian Studios has been hit or miss with me. I enjoyed their earlier Divinity II - Developer's Cut, but not the predecessor, Divinity. Fair disclosure, I have not yet tried Divinity - Dragon Commander. And while I found Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 a pleasant pastime until something else came along and caught my attention, I did not fully get immersed into them to their depths.

If I recall correctly, animal speech was in DOS1 (too lazy to check), so it is not all that new of an innovation. I really don't remember if it is a standard AD&D thing, but I suspect so since that is a typical immersion-capturing feature of the game and rule set.

I enjoyed Baldur's Gate and other related cRPGs from the 90's and 00's, but either I'm much too busy with other concerns or I burned out on cRPGs by over indulging back when I played them almost exclusively. I just don't seem to have the time, nor patience, to sit and dig deep and enjoy them like I used to. But I keep trying. My game library backlog is chock full of yet to be played modern cRPGs.

That said, I'll probably buy BG3 sometime when it goes on sale. I've had it on my wishlist since it was announced and entered early access.
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I never could get into CRPGs really - having to pause and plan each move feels tedious to me. Even in Dragon Age, I played it on east mode so I could keep the battles real time.

I want to try this out but I’m afraid it’s going to be a turn based slog like the older BG games were
It is turn based and will have that slog feel. A cheat can make you invulnerable and nice you super stats and make all ok screen rolls natural 20 if that helps.
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So, two things that annoy me up to this point - the game has a dreadfully long period between autosaves, which has bit me more than once, and there's the frustration of trying to pick up or activate stuff and instead having a conversation initiated with someone in your party.
Bought the game for my wife. She's loving the game. I've seen her re-roll multiple times due to figuring out the way the interactions are altering the gameplay and wanting to see more. The graphics look amazingly well done.
Bought the game for my wife. She's loving the game. I've seen her re-roll multiple times due to figuring out the way the interactions are altering the gameplay and wanting to see more. The graphics look amazingly well done.
Yea I'm guilty of the same.
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