BioWare's Anthem Has Been Added to Origin Access Basic and EA Access


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Origin Access Basic and EA Access subscribers who have been on the fence about BioWare's Anthem can finally try out the game. It's the latest addition to EA's "Vault," a collection of curated titles that subscribers have unlimited access to.

Anyone who is interested should download and suit up ASAP so they don't miss out on the themed, season-long Cataclysm event, which provides players with unique rewards and challenges, as well as all-new story missions. This eight-week endgame experience comes to an end later this month.

While Anthem is now in The Vault – and available for subscribers to play whenever they want – the Cataclysm event ends soon. So don’t miss out, join the fight to silence the Cataclysm, defeat the Dominion, and reap fantastic rewards today!
This has been on the Premium version of EA Access for some time now. I've had it through that and even getting this for free wouldn't get me to play it. That's sad to say as I'm a huge fan of BioWare's earlier titles. It just isn't that good. It's like taking Destiny 2, crossing it with Mass Effect Andromeda and then ruining them both.
The game play is fun... but does get tiresome after about 12 hours of it. Sadly this game should have been a 100+ hour game but it just isn't. MAYBE 20 hours total real gameplay here unless you have a specific buddy you like to play iron man with.
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