Bought a Ryzen 5700x


FPS Junkie
Aug 15, 2019
Supposed to be here in a few days. 299, same price at Microcenter or Amazon... did Amz since I had GC to burn.

We'll see what happens.... I found a site for Asrock beta bios for my X470 board.

I held off on the 5800x bc of tdp/thermals, the 5700x is 65w so should be ok. If my board + beta bios support it.

I thought I was holding out for the 5800x3d thing but it's going to still be high tdp and $$$, $300 is really my limit for cpu anyway.

Will keep posted.... and if all works well the 2700x will get a bon voyage party in the $100 range
Well it worked with the beta bios. I had to reinstall amd chipset drivers and ryzen master again, and update the asrock mobo utility (for fan control). Other than that was pretty easy.... except the inside of my tower was disgusting and I spent an hour cleaning. Even with fan filters, inside had tons of dust (but at least not too much cat hair).

Need to fire up some games and see if I can even notice a difference between the 2700x
PBO on, Ryzen master set to auto OC. 16g ram @ 3000. 13021 points



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Glad to hear this worked. I'm thinking of doing the same with my X370.... Thinking of maybe a 5600X
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