CD PROJEKT RED Releases Stunning, In-Game Cyberpunk 2077 Trailer


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

We’re only months away from CD PROJEKT RED’s next epic, but the company has dialed up the hype for Cyberpunk 2077 to eleven with an all-new trailer called “The Gig,” which gives us an extensive look at Night City and its neon-hued intricacies. The footage looks absolutely incredible, but what’s really impressive is that all of it is in-game – this is the level of graphical fidelity that those of you with top-tier rigs will be able to enjoy when the game launches in September.

While the trailer doesn’t reveal too much in terms of story, it does hint at an extensive adventure that comprises everything from corporate infiltration to strip-club shoot-outs. Be sure to check the trailer out in its entirety, as the end includes a new, short teaser for Keanu Reeves’s...

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Hells yeah, watch it in 4k! I know I said never pre-order again.... but... but... maybe just this one... just this once? Gotta stay strong....
^No reason to pre-order at this point. CE's are limited in quantity and I think all have been accounted for by now. All that's left is just the plain regular version which you can just as easily pick up at the time of the release.

That being said, today's preview has left me with some mixed feelings. I'm still eagerly anticipating the release, but that Braindance preview didn't really do anything for me. Perhaps it's a lot more fun when you actually get to play it, but when it was being showcased and talked about, it felt really slow and mundane. Another one that really stood out to me was the fist fight vs the twins... it just looked bad. Maybe it was the first person perspective, maybe it was the animations... I dunno, but it just didn't feel right. Also, I feel like it needs more NPC's... when the character was entering the underground bar it was said to be 'the hot spot', and yet... it looked almost empty? It really didn't give me the vibe of it being anything special... just another hole in the wall.

All in all... still waiting for the game, but my hype has not increased at all after today.
I've purposely built rigs with CDPR games in mind since Witcher 2, which btw can still crush GPUs in 4K. This game is no exception. Don't be fooled that just because it's getting a console release that it won't blow people away on the PC and yeah, watch the trailer in 4K. Friggin' amazing. Nice thing about CD PR is that you can usually count on them to utilize what ever tech is available at release. They were one of the last to offer SLI support with Witcher 3 in 2015.
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