Congressman Illegally Spends Campaign Funds on Steam Games, Pleads Guilty Years Later


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
What's the best way to spend campaign funds? For congressman Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA), one answer would be video games: he was caught back in 2016 using his campaign account to make Steam purchases, among other things. Hunter had given $1,302 to Valve, which was actually just a small portion of the $150,000 total that he "illegally converted" from campaign funds. The congressman had initially blamed his son for using his credit card, but he ultimately admitted guilt yesterday in federal court.

As detailed in the indictment, the Hunters stole money from the campaign for items as inconsequential as fast food, movie tickets and sneakers; as trivial as video games, Lego sets and Playdoh; as mundane as groceries, dog food, and utilities; and as self-indulgent as luxury hotels, overseas vacations and plane tickets for their family pet rabbits, Eggburt and Cadbury – all while their family was otherwise deeply in debt.
My man! Gotta build that library somehow. Curious if it was all on train simulator.
Better than spending it on cocaine and hookers and whatever else politicians tend to spend money on. Oh wait, only a teeny amount was used for Steam purchases. Yeah, the rest went to cocaine and hookers.
Yeah, the among other things component is the juicy part. But, hey, we all know this is all a hoax ;).
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More impressed with his purchase of 30 shots of tequila and one steak.
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