Control to Cross Over into Alan Wake


Staff member
May 28, 2019
The age of the shared universe is here. Actually it is nothing really new other than the use of the expression. From books, to comic books, to T.V., and movies it has been a thing for most of a century now. Video games have also had it but usually in much smaller doses. In the days of the quarter suckers we saw various Nintendo IPs crossover. Marvel vs. Capcom anyone? Some Mass Effect in Dead Space? How about Geralt in Monster Hunter or Ciri’s mention of a certain world we’ll see in about six months?


Well recently, on the Control BLOG, announcements about upcoming content have been announced. A second DLC, coming in 2020, will feature AWE. AWE or Altered World Events is something also mentioned in Alan Wake. It seems they are on their way to creating a shared universe and also gathering a bit of a fan base along the way. I’ve been on the fence with getting Control but most reviews have been favorable. That along with being an eye candy addict I’m intrigued by all tech used in the game.

Tell us about your experiences with either game and what you think about them expanding it into multiple IPs.
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