"Crysis Remastered releases today on Nintendo Switch and Digital Foundry has confirmed that this new remaster is based on the PS3/Xbox 360 version. In other words, Crysis Remastered is not using the original PC build as its base version.
What this basically means is that Crysis Remastered does not feature the Ascension Mission. Moreover, the game has different control mechanics than those of the original PC version. Unfortunately, this is something most of us saw coming. However, we now have confirmation of this suspicion."
"Unfortunately, the PS3/X360 version of Crysis had less vegetation, lower quality objects, and lower LOD values. Do note that these were exactly what we noticed in the first comparison screenshots between Crysis Remastered and Crysis PC. Additionally, some effects – like the Volumetric Light Shafts – were missing from the PS3/Xbox 360 versions.
Now I’m pretty sure that Crytek will address all the aforementioned graphical shortcomings. However, you should not be expecting any gameplay changes. So yeah, the VTOL mission will not be included in this remaster. Thus, the original PC version of Crysis will have more content – and a more PC-centric and complex nanosuit – than Crysis Remastered."