Death Stranding Sequel Confirmed by Norman Reedus: “We Just Started the Second One”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Norman Reedus has confirmed that Kojima Productions' current project is a sequel to its 2019 post-apocalyptic hit, Death Stranding.

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I don't know if this is good or bad news. On one hand it is a terrible game. On the other hand this keeps kojima from making something even worse, which he is fully capable of.
The guy has never made a game I found worth playing so this is a non event for me.
The guy has never made a game I found worth playing...
I enjoyed the 3rd Metal Gear game (Metal Gear Solid 1) and especially Zone of the Enders 2. Other than that, I didn't care for a single game he's made. Well Policenauts wasn't terrible, but that's basically just an interactive movie. I didn't play it, just watched a playthrough on YT. Barely qualifies as a game. Never played Snatcher but it's like Policenauts.
So, being the odd one out that enjoyed Death Stranding - though perhaps I may have been in the 'mood' for such a game - I'll say that I'm excited to see what they have for us.
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