Disney Releasing Mulan on Disney+ for $30


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Disney

Disney has announced that it’ll be releasing Mulan on its streaming service, which is great news for those of you wanted to enjoy the big-budget, live-action adaptation in the comfort of your own home. There’s one problem, though: it’s reportedly going to cost $30 on top of Disney+’s regular, $6.99/month subscription price.

“We’re looking at Mulan as a one-off,” Disney CEO Bob Chapek said during today’s fiscal third-quarter earnings call. “That said, we find it very interesting to be able to…learn from it and see what happens, not only in terms of the uptake of the number of subscribers that we get on the platform but the actual number of transactions on the Disney Plus platform that we get.”

It’ll be interesting to see how theaters react if Mulan’s release on Disney+...

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I guess the execs at Disney just couldn't wait any longer and decided to finally cash in. It won't make nearly as much online as at theaters, but better than nothing I guess if they are trying to meet some yearly / quarterly financial goal. Whatever, I'm not watching it
I'd like to see this movie .. I probably won't be watching it on Disney+ though ... and I refuse to send a check or money order for anything over $11.50 ..
Da hell... That is not releasing it in Disney plus.
That is selling it at 30$
Ah, I know Disney plus sounded too good to be true, I will enjoy my pre paid 3 years, probably forget them.. as I fully expect them to keep jacking up prices and reducing access.
Release it Disney, just go ahead and release it. It'll end up available, but not at $30.

They do realize that right?
How is it that in one thread we have everyone bitching that movies are not coming out but are willing to pay 40 bucks to stream a movie they want to see for their family and how that would sill save them money and be a better experience than going to the movies with snacks and tickets and all. Yet when a studio says. "you know what here sure you can stream this for 37 bucks if it's all you want to stream and if you keep paying 7 bucks a month you can ALSO stream a bunch of our other content as part of that."

Yet we find reason to bitch when they give us effectively exactly what was asked for?

I have ZERO problem with this and if it turns out to be good I might just stream it with the family to watch it. (Will wait for some reviews/impressions.)

If it's not so great I'll just wait until they make it free to watch for Disney+ customers.

Though it's pretty **** clear they have more invested in making money off of this movie than they did Artimus whatever the eff.
The problem is that disney makes enough movies they were starting to cannibalize their own audiences between them before COVID. Now they are missing out on BO and if they hold it, they won't have enough weekends for all their movies when things get back to normal. On top of that, you have universal embracing streaming releases. Disney can't afford to be wrong about that being a good idea. THey also can't afford to wait and screw themselves. So they are trying vertical integration within their own platform.
Does that $30 get you a "watch whenever you want" license, or a "one and done time limited" license? It's not terrible for the former, but absolutely is for the latter.
I just hope they don't make it so my kids can order and watch with a simple click of the button from the Roku or an iPad without me approving somehow....
$30 seems a little steep. Granted, if you have a family of 3+ people then it's certainly cheaper than going to the theater and even more so if you buy snacks and drinks there as well.
I’d be at 100% if this were $30 or subscribed.

But I just have a hard time getting behind ~and~.
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