Disney Reportedly Working on Tron 3, with Jared Leto in the Lead


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Disney

Despite revolutionary special effects (a younger, all-digital Kevin Flynn!) and a soundtrack by France’s renowned electronic music duo Daft Punk, Tron: Legacy fizzled when it premiered at the box office in 2010, earning only $400 million on a budget of $170 million. Nobody expected a sequel due to such lackluster profits, but according to a new report by The DisInsider, Disney is inexplicably moving ahead with a Tron 3.

Why the gamble? Well, Disney seems pretty adamant on resurrecting the franchise at any cost. See, the company was actually working on a Tron series for its streaming service, Disney+, but now that those plans have fallen through, reverting the property back to the silver screen seems like a natural choice.

“From what I’ve been told, the film is expected to be more of...

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I don't really care about Leto's involvement (other than lets hope he's better than he was in Blade Runner) but I am interested in #3. Legacy isn't a "bad" movie, but it's not a "great" movie. It looks and sound glorious, but some of the acting is.... and the digital Clu bobble head wasn't ready for primetime. I still plop Legacy in every now and then when the Mrs goes out of town. 420 and cocktails are definitely required tho.
side topic.... SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen Tron Legacy, it's been 10+ years, sorry.... I've always wondered how Quorra / Olivia Wilde would do in the "real" world. You know, like the first time she has to go take a crap, etc. Actually if Clu's army had made it out, that would probably be their kryptonite too.... Feed them all a bunch of Taco Bell and the revolution is over.

Yeah yeah, I'll see myself out.
I liked tron legacy, so did my wife, she liked the first one too ( I didn't see / don't remember that one).
Tron is very much resurrectable.. needs a great game too.
We liked legacy. I even have it in 3D and some scenes are pretty spectacular. Couldn't stand the cartoon though. Never really gave it a chance but just couldn't make it more than a few minutes every-time I tried. Impartial on Leto. I liked him as the Joker but I agree with @Burticus regarding Blade Runner. He was one of the worst parts of that movie for me.

I was really bummed that Disney didn't continue with Legacy. I was also curious about Quorra and Sam's story in moving forward. They also laid some groundwork with a few other characters. A number of rumors throughout the years is that once the Marvel stuff took off that $400 million vs $170 million ratio just couldn't compete with the $1B+ they were seeing with Marvel. Then Star Wars started putting the final nail in the coffin. At one point it was believed they'd go back after both finished and well, here we are.
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