DRAM Prices Rise over 20% Due to Export Feud, Toshiba Plant Blackout


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Memory chips just got more expensive. Thanks to Japan's restrictions on high-tech material exports to South Korea and Toshiba's production-halting plant blackout, DRAM prices have risen by more than 20 percent in recent days.

There hasn't been any real change in terms of supply and demand, so these appear to be the definitive reasons for increasing costs. Officials had warned that memory prices would "skyrocket" if Japan's restrictions hampered production at Samsung and SK Hynix.

According to industry sources and market researcher DRAMeXchange, the spot price of 8-gigabit DDR4 DRAM, a benchmark price for the category, closed the week recording an average three-dollars-and-74-cents in Friday's trading.

It's up 14-point-six percent from last week's closing price and more than 23 percent higher than that of July fifth, a day after Japan's export curbs took effect.
GAh.! Just when it was getting reasonable to buy ram again. So , time to hoard then?
I just found a kit of 2x8GB DDR 3600@16 for 130$, should I buy it and save it for later? Planning on upgrading once Zen2 BIOS mature and life goals align or the stars align, whichever comes first.
Mehh.. already paid with my lung and kidney for the 2x16GB kit last year before the prices started to drop.
"Members of the board, we need to find a way to raise prices, but not in a way that'll seem like blatant price fixing, fraud, or self-sabotaging our plants, like all the other times in the past."

*flips master switch in breaker box* "crap, we have a serious power outage!"

"Perfect. Our bonuses will be hefty."
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