Dyson Terminates Electric Car Program for Not Being “Commercially Viable”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Dyson's dream of competing with Tesla on the EV battlefield has come to an end. Company founder and chief engineer James Dyson has disbanded the Dyson Automotive team, which began developing an electric car in 2016. What it came up with was reportedly "fantastic," but the company couldn't figure out how to make the vehicle commercially viable.

This is not a product failure, or a failure of the team, for whom this news will be hard to hear and digest. Their achievements have been immense – given the enormity and complexity of the project. We are working to quickly find alternative roles within Dyson for as many of the team as possible and we have sufficient vacancies to absorb most of the people into our Home business.
I always was surprised they tried to jump straight into the car market whole hog, rather than just being a supplier to the electrification of vehicles.

They have their DC motor design, which is nice (at least on the small scale)... and some good industrial design ... but that's about it.
Yeah, becuase electric cars are easy... Pfft its just a battery and some wheels. /S
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