EA Motive’s Dead Space Reboot Is Reportedly a Full-Fledged Remake Similar to Capcom’s Resident Evil 2


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Visceral Games

VentureBeat/GamesBeat journalist Jeff Grubb has confirmed recent reports regarding EA Motive and its development of a new Dead Space game. According to Grubb, the new Dead Space game is a “full-fledged remake” that can be compared to Capcom’s Resident Evil 2, in that it’ll likely feature modern visuals and new gameplay mechanics inspired by other entries in the franchise while remaining faithful to the original game. EA Motive’s upcoming Dead Space title will reboot the franchise.

EA has likely also warmed back up to the idea of producing single-player adventures after the success of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The publisher has made statements in the recent past about shifting its focus to live-service games. And that was part of a deliberate decision to invest less in single-player experiences following poor results for...

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Nothing wrong with live service games but ignoring the single player sales base is like shooting yourself in the foot. The big trick, and where EA has not done well until Fallen Order, is that their single player campaigns often feel like an after thought more than a focus which leads to many fans complaining or even boycotting franchises after a while. They've got the resources to do well so they really ought to invest more into it. Here's hoping for the best for this. I recently did some play testing on a weekend a while back and tweaked NV DSR to its max and DS looked pretty good then on the CRG9 at 5120x1440. Here's also hoping that whatever engine they use is up to date as well. A proper HDR implementation could go far with space/horror like this.
A remake is not a reboot, make up your minds already, which is it then? Are they making two games?
At this point, remake seems likely considering what other studios have been doing recently. I suspect reboots will follow sometime after the remakes have been fully milked.
At this point, remake seems likely considering what other studios have been doing recently. I suspect reboots will follow sometime after the remakes have been fully milked.
I asked because the article references both remake and remaster.
Oh dear baby Jesus please let this be good.

Dead Space was almost a perfect game IMO. I still to this day replay it often and I was really hoping it would get the "remaster" treatment when I first heard they were remastering Crysis. I still remember seeing the "Twinkle Little Star" trailer for this game and instantly fell in love. My little boy even loved this game. He was 2 but loved to sit in my lap while I played and he never got scared.

So yeah if they do a remake or even a remaster of the original game I'll be there day 1 with money in hand for it.
I remember when John Carpenter was toying with the idea of making a movie based on the franchise. I'm sort of glad he didn't because it was much later in his career. I'm a huge fan but I have my doubts about how it would've turned out.
And now he is a blood splatter analyst at the police with a secret identity.

Daddy's little boy 202010150907277105_Serial-killer-TV-drama-Dexter-gets-a-revival_SECVPF.jpg

It was the weirdest thing, Dead Space didn't bother him but the Scarecrow scenes in Batman AA scared him to death and even now at 12 he can't watch those fake "Top 5 scary videos" channels on YouTube lol.

I think it was more that Dead Space's horror and gore were so over the top that it just seemed like a really active cartoon to him.

What made Dead Space so scary to me wasn't the monsters running at you, it was when they weren't. It's when you're lurking around hearing noises and rounding corners not knowing what's about to happen that always scared the crap out of me.
This was a screen cap I posted a few months back when I was bored and tested it in 5120x1440 with DSR on its highest settings, in-game and NV CP mostly maxed as well. No mods, just using the game and NV CP to get the most it can.
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