EA Says It Has No Plans for In-Game Advertising


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts has issued a statement regarding a recent report suggesting that it had plans for in-game advertising. The report stated that it had signed a deal for TV-style ads that would reward players with gaming exclusives. A spokesperson for EA says the company has no plans for this; its focus and priority is on creating the best player experience. Players can breathe a sigh of relief for not having their games invaded by ads.

The plan is to have in-game video ads implemented in "roughly a dozen" games by the end of the year. https://t.co/PmvWdjxuXf— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) July 2, 2021

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Notice how they say "console games". I bet sony / ms would not simply allow them to put ads into fully priced games, however on the PC.... There is no overlord to say no.
SURE. Why not believe EA? They have only our best interests at heart. Wow I could barely type that without laughing :ROFLMAO:
It's because they don't need a plan - it's been done for a long time, they just need to flip the switch.
Lately I have asked myself if I like video games. Grew up with them, buy them way more than what I play them... But there is so few I connect with, its getting to the point im wondering if video games are a thing for me. Hearing about ads, just makes me even more negative towards them. Someone will do this, and everyone will eat it up, just like micro transactions. EA might just waiting for somebody else to do it first, so they take the "heat" first.
I can see it now, just as your ready to fight that major boss here comes an ad for anxiety medication.
Lately I have asked myself if I like video games. Grew up with them, buy them way more than what I play them... But there is so few I connect with, its getting to the point im wondering if video games are a thing for me.

I hear ya. I play less and less.. or rather, I'm just a lot more particular about what I will play. Once I find a game I like, I play it until it becomes a chore, but there are often droughts between games where I just poke at random free crap to waste time.
...for only 4.99 a minute...

But don't worry it isn't adds in game... but a Community Building Feature to connect gamers proactively.

4.99 a session.. or for a subscription of just 100 dollars a year you can have unlimited help from Pro gamers.

Meanwhile Pro gamers get paid 2 dollars a session. Period. No flat rate to them.
But don't worry it isn't adds in game... but a Community Building Feature to connect gamers proactively.

4.99 a session.. or for a subscription of just 100 dollars a year you can have unlimited help from Pro gamers.

Meanwhile Pro gamers get paid 2 dollars a session. Period. No flat rate to them.

You know what on thinking about this... it would actually be more expensive, but it would be like having a B-List star give your friend a voicemail or whatever.

You could book time with Ninja on whatever **** game he plays, or with whomever on whatever game... maybe it's your favorite game and you follow a specific streamer.

EA could contract with some of these streamers for 'promotional' time. Meaning the player only pays the normal 5 bucks a session or whatever it works out to be (20 bucks?) for help in that section of the game to have a pro gamer drop in. But they instead get some famous streamer to drop in, they get streamed on their channel with one on one interaction. Streamer gets notoriety, gamer gets a experience interacting with a celebrity, and EA or whomever does this gets *shivers* good press. They would need to keep up those 'feel good' type sessions regularly. Pay the streamers some rate that they agree on. Maybe work in some sponsors be that hardware, streaming platforms, or otherwise.

I actually think this would be very interesting now. And I wouldn't be surprised to see some gaming company try for it. Probably amazon because they already own twitch and are getting into the business of making video games.

Thoughts? It's kind of a chilling/neat idea. A damned if you do but it would be cool if they did for a lot of people.

In MMO's or whatever you could have a group of gamers book (or lotto for) a big name streamer to do a dungeon with them.

Also leave the ability to invite real friends and such as well of course. Don't make the interaction monetary only.

Of course you would have the HNG's booking the boobstreamers.... if they did it. But really they would probably make 10x doing onlyfans so who cares.
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