Did you confuse the copium bottle with laughing gas?
Then it's a good thing I guess, that I referenced actual numbers, before adding my personal opinion.
But here, I'm going to cite them here, so you don't even have to lift a finger:
Tomb Raider 2001: 275 million (390 adjusted for inflation)
Tomb Raider 2003: 156 million (212 adjusted for inflation)
Tomb Raider 2018: 275 million
So it made more money than the previous movie when wokism wasn't even a thing.
2. Searching is your friend
Uhm, you asked do you remember. I said no. How is searching the internet remembering?
3. Wokeness has always been there in dormant
I could swear someone just told me personal opinion means sniz over facts.
And if it's dormant it could not influence the product anyway.
4. How is that even possible? Jump a shark?
Really, you never heard that phrase? That tells a story of how well informed you are.
Jumping the shark means going into the realm of the idiotic or absurd. In this case for you it should be interpreted as I've been taking your arguments seriously until this point, but that was no longer possible in this case.
Wrong metaphor. Steam, Reddit, Discord forums, etc. are full with these discussions. Just take your pick.
I wasn't using metaphors so I don't know what are you talking about. Perhaps it would help if you actually quoted the part you are responding to.
5. Yeah, because it was SE fault for developing MA's that resorted to CTD, stuck enemies/NPCs in doors/floors, visual issues, every new patch brought even more bugs, gameplay issues galore, taking looOOnng holiday breaks (over 3-months) and coming back not fixing anything, etc.
I guess you never heard of publishers pushing for an early release of games, right? What an unheard of concept!
As for 3 month holiday breaks, I searched the net but couldn't find any mention of holidays and eidos in the same context, so I'm just going to assume it is hearsay some disgruntled avengers players perpetuated.
What does jumping the shark has to do with Deus Ex PC port being abandoned? Again, I'm not sure what are you even responding to.
7. Demonstrated by whom and what makes that obligated to a new owner to support?
Microsoft among others, but of course whoever I'm going to cite you'd just dismiss it as untrustworthy based on no evidence of your own.
What makes the new owner obligated is this little thing called employment contract, which they can't just change without the employee's mutual agreement. Sure they can choose to let the people go, who refuse to go back to 5 days, but only with full benefits and severance pay.
8. Watch out for that Adam's apple, bOyEee!
Boy, we have a bona fide biology expert here. The esophagus is not an Adam's apple.
Edit:I Removed all the stupid smiley faces, because it made the post look really bad.