Epic Games Releases Next-Generation, Real-Time Unreal Engine 5 Demo Running on PlayStation 5


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Epic Games

Thanks to Epic Games, we now have a clear idea of what games on next-generation consoles could look like. The company presented a peek at Unreal Engine 5 today via “Lumen in the Land of Nanite,” a real-time demo running on Sony’s PlayStation 5, and the footage looks positively stunning. It’s essentially a scene straight out of a modern Tomb Raider title – but with environmental detail, lighting, and draw distance on overdrive.

“This demo previews two of the new core technologies that will debut in Unreal Engine 5,” wrote Epic Games in regard to “Nanite” and “Lumen,” which will allow developers to really stretch their talents with geometric detail and dynamic lighting, respectively. Here’s...

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Rumored specs for both consoles may show Xbox with better numbers but Sony has a track record for great optimizations in many games. I'd say this demo continues that trend.
Count me in as impressed. Really impressed. I got my ps4 super late and cheap... The good thing about getting a console so late is that it's cheap and award winning games are cheap too!... Ps5 though, **** that looks too good... And nearly gone loading times, **** might be a pre order for me.... Unless Xbox series X has hardwired and real Keyboard Mouse support, and maybe possible access to games meant for pc . Then it will be an xbox preorder. Yes Xbone has "keyboard/mouse support" but its bullshit support. These consoles are so near to a pc anyway, there is no real excuse other than keeping things closed for profit (this can be done anyway with deals with say steam, or directly with publishers anyway, still profit a lot) So yes, is MS makes of the series x basically a super powerful cheap gaming pc "console" , I would take that over PS5 but has to come with real keyboard mouse support ( of those game keyboard thingies like the nostromo n52, it goes by many models now)
Holy ****... Not only is that a bad *** engine... but if I was Nvidia I would be ****ting myself.

Real time light, reflections, shadows, water, on a pixel by pixel render done smoothly on a AMD CPU with an AMD GPU pushing it all.

Yea... Nvidia needs to show some demos of what their new cards can do other than moving a lot of data. Because THAT was impressive on a console. And considering their next GPU costs 2-3 consoles....
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