Ex-Halo Infinite Devs Criticize Microsoft for “Incompetent Leadership” Following Lay Offs, Joseph Staten to Leave 343 Industries


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Microsoft announced that it would be laying off 10,000 workers yesterday from various divisions, including 343 Industries, and some former employees of the Halo studio have taken that opportunity to criticize their old employer via social media. Among them is Patrick Wren, former senior multiplayer designer on Halo Infinite, who claimed last night that the game should be in better shape but isn't because of "incompetent leadership" at Microsoft and/or 343 Industries. Another former employee, Tyler Owens, expressed similar negativity, tweeting that he is "really tired" of Microsoft killing what he loves.

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The rumor I was hearing on the radio (It was a marketing/stock watch program) was that these big tech companies didn't necessarily need to do layoffs - especially Microsoft. They are just using this downturn as an excuse to trim up the balance sheets. But as a whole market they are laying off in such numbers it's likely to have a very measurable effect on the overall economy. Something like 130K jobs in the tech sector lost in the last year.

Which really sucks for the people affected by it.
The rumor I was hearing on the radio (It was a marketing/stock watch program) was that these big tech companies didn't necessarily need to do layoffs - especially Microsoft. They are just using this downturn as an excuse to trim up the balance sheets. But as a whole market they are laying off in such numbers it's likely to have a very measurable effect on the overall economy. Something like 130K jobs in the tech sector lost in the last year.

Which really sucks for the people affected by it.
Its not a mistake, the fed is inducing an economic crash with the idea of controlling inflation. I guess high interest rates affect the monied class more than they wanted to, so they are moving on to increase unemployment, as in intentionally doing so. As proof we have Larry Summers explicitly saying this, and yes he is out of any meaningful position currently but he is not a meaningless guy; If he is saying this, they are all taking and doing this. The way I see it, bad ideas from these Harvard experts. Doing all this at a time when the us dollar is in very serious question, and energy markets are in flux... No sure about all this.
Its not a mistake, the fed is inducing an economic crash with the idea of controlling inflation. I guess high interest rates affect the monied class more than they wanted to, so they are moving on to increase unemployment, as in intentionally doing so. As proof we have Larry Summers explicitly saying this, and yes he is out of any meaningful position currently but he is not a meaningless guy; If he is saying this, they are all taking and doing this. The way I see it, bad ideas from these Harvard experts. Doing all this at a time when the us dollar is in very serious question, and energy markets are in flux... No sure about all this.
One eye opening stat I saw this morning: Amazon sales are up 15% YoY, yet they still discontinued a lot of programs, dropped Smile, and laid off over 18,000 positions. Not because they were doing bad, but because their stock was getting hit because Wall Street is shaky about the economic future and how that ~might~ affect Amazon. The cost cutting was a way they could signal back to Wall St that they were looking ahead to what might come up, so please don't hammer our stock price too hard.

Talk about self-fulfilling prophecies. The Stock Market is bad for humanity.
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