Far Cry 7 and Far Cry Multiplayer Game (Alaska) In Development at Ubisoft: Report


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Ubisoft has been canceling quite a few of their projects as of late, but perhaps unsurprisingly, new Far Cry titles aren't among them. According to sources with Insider Gaming, Ubisoft is currently developing Far Cry 7, a seventh installment of its open-world FPS series, as well as a multiplayer Far Cry game. The latter is said to be a multiplayer-only extraction-based shooter that's set in Alaska, lacking any sort of single-player mode. Sources suggest that both games are at least a couple of years away, possibly releasing in fall 2025.

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I like open world first person titles. I want to like recent Far Cry games more than I do though. I think the series probably peaked with 3 or 4. Primal was interesting, but I did miss the gun play. 5 wasnt bad, and they did a good job of making the cult feel "real", but the gameplay was just more of the same, and started feeling old. New Dawn was awful. I finished it because I am stubborn, but I want those hours of my life back.

Before 6 came out I was hoping they'd somehow expand it or mix it up as the "repeatedly conquer base" thing was starting to get old.

They did change some things in 6, but what they change kind of cheapened the experience and made it feel more like a silly mobile game.

That and 6 was WAY too easy even at the hardest settings.

I hope they revert some of those changes in 7.

My wish-list for 7 would be to make it super gritty and realistic. Revert the UI elements where you see all the different weapons available to find at the very beginning. Leave some mystique in there as to what you might find and if it is any good.

Drop the unrealistic gun mods and "supremo" backpack ****. Focus on good realistic gunplay. Reduce the whole "bullet sponge" experience. Make the game harder. Drop enemies with one or two hits, but let them drop you with one or two hits as well. At least without body armor. And make any body armor available more realistic, and less "human tank" or "my football helmet is bulletproof". This ought to make it more of a challenge, more realistic and more fun.

Keep the "taking bases" element, but write good NPC AI and do it as a team. This whole "one man against an entire army taking every base alone" thing is tiring. Make the AI good enough that battles over bases can play out differently each time, and make the bases feel less cookie cutter. Make coordination with NPC AI's absolutely necessary in order to win. Charging in alone should be insta-suicide.

Think more S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and less goofy ****.

Maintain the same high focus on good story telling, and great villains. No need to hire celebrities though. That requires MORE suspense of disbelief, not less. It should also save some money.

It's much easier to enjoy a story if you can get sucked in, and are not constantly reminded of how awesome Giancarlo Esposito was in Breaking Bad.
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Frankly I just wish they'd make Ghost Recon and a single player Rainbow Six instead. I was never that much into Far Cry except for the original Crytek one.
I like open world first person titles. I want to like recent Far Cry games more than I do though. I think the series probably peaked with 3 or 4. Primal was interesting, but I did miss the gun play. 5 wasnt bad, and they did a good job of making the cult feel "real", but the gameplay was just more of the same, and started feeling old. New Dawn was awful. I finished it because I am stubborn, but I want those hours of my life back.
I agree, except I didn't finish New Dawn at all. I even downloaded a trainer to skip the grind but that just made the game pointless, the grind is the literal goal of that game.
Before 6 came out I was hoping they'd somehow expand it or mix it up as the "repeatedly conquer base" thing was starting to get old.
They did change some things in 6, but what they change kind of cheapened the experience and made it feel more like a silly mobile game.
I actually liked the gameplay more in FC6 than in 5, but ultimately it is still just a watered down less realistic Ghost Recon. And the story? That was a joke.
That and 6 was WAY too easy even at the hardest settings.
Yes, I'm no great player by any metric and it was a breeze. FC5 wasn't that hard either but at least presented a healthy challenge on the hard setting.
I hope they revert some of those changes in 7.

My wish-list for 7 would be to make it super gritty and realistic. Revert the UI elements where you see all the different weapons available to find at the very beginning. Leave some mystique in there as to what you might find and if it is any good.

Drop the unrealistic gun mods and "supremo" backpack ****. Focus on good realistic gunplay. Reduce the whole "bullet sponge" experience. Make the game harder. Drop enemies with one or two hits, but let them drop you with one or two hits as well. At least without body armor. And make any body armor available more realistic, and less "human tank" or "my football helmet is bulletproof". This ought to make it more of a challenge, more realistic and more fun.
But that's exactly what Ghost Recon is, yes, yes it is third person. I used to be against that a long time ago, but now I even prefer it. It gives me joy to see my own character, so I can take pride in their awesomeness. And when it comes down to aiming down the sights it shifts to first person so no drawbacks. Hip firing is pointless anyway.
Keep the "taking bases" element, but write good NPC AI and do it as a team. This whole "one man against an entire army taking every base alone" thing is tiring. Make the AI good enough that battles over bases can play out differently each time, and make the bases feel less cookie cutter. Make coordination with NPC AI's absolutely necessary in order to win. Charging in alone should be insta-suicide.
The one man operation actually is no problem, just not as a one man army, but as a silent stealthy operator. That's exactly what I love about Ghost Reocn, scouting and stalking bases, or sneaking around. And sometimes you still have to go loud, because often it is impossible to clear an entire base without getting detected at least once. But open fighting is always a risk, but it doesn't become frustrating* because the enemy detection time is relatively slow.

*well except for when breakpoint deliberately forces you into open battle with dozens of elite enemies, but that's a small part of two huge games.
Maintain the same high focus on good story telling, and great villains. No need to hire celebrities though. That requires MORE suspense of disbelief, not less. It should also save some money.
I loved the underbosses in Ghost Recon Wildlands, the way they are designed, felt much more realistic, I even felt sorry for some of them. Many people criticized wildlands for it's lack of story, but to me it served to make it even more realistic. You are nobody special, just an operator carrying out the will of your handler, who is the real main character of the game, not you. The level design, the small hints, the tape recordings made me feel so immersed in that game as I probably haven't been in any since the mass effect trilogy.
It's much easier to enjoy a story if you can get sucked in, and are not constantly reminded of how awesome Giancarlo Esposito was in Breaking Bad.
I hate it when they use the likeness of hollywood actors in games, the point of a videogame is that you can make your characters be anyone and look like anything. Instead you limit yourself by making them look like some second tier celebrity.
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