Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Is a Top Seller on Steam despite Complaints of $69.99 MSRP


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade has managed to become a top seller on Steam despite all of the criticism levied at its $69.99 MSRP, a price that critics say is insulting for a game that was released years ago as a PlayStation exclusive and later confined to the Epic Games Store for half a year for fans who wanted to enjoy the remake of the 1997 classic on PC.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade has managed to become a top seller on Steam despite all of the criticism levied at its $69.99 MSRP, a price that critics say is insulting for a game that was released years ago as a PlayStation exclusive and later confined to the Epic Games

Uhm... About that. Excuse me for breaking that gloating unvalid opinion but 70 bones is not favored by the majority of gamers... STILL today. Oh, almost forgot, FF7R on Steam was never 70 bones, from the start, on its release day, and as the time of this writing the price on Steam is, well:

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