From Fortnite to League of Legends and DOTA 2, a New Report Shows PC Gamers Are Spending the Majority of Their Time Playing Older, Free-to-Play Titles

Yet CS2 is only 1.5 years old.

I mean I get it, I play around 1 hour of apex legends every day, still have not spent any money on it (or it would not longer be free to play).

Shame that they changed it so much though in recent seasons (no to mention that the last new map they included sucks donkey balls) and imo not in a good way. I only play with random teams and a lot of players still play it more as a deathmatch game then as a last man standing.

I used to play lot's of the original CS back when it was a mod still in developpement for HL but again they changed it so much that it's no longer the game you fell in love with.
I find a lot of older games are better than these new buggy games they have been putting out.
For me the exception is the great experience I've had with games ported from the PS5. For whatever reason those have been solid experiences for me overall. (Ghost of Tutshima, the Forbidden series.)
I have a good group of friends that I play Mechwarrior online with multiple times per week. I play other games too (path of exile 2, bg3, Stellaris), but usually not that many at once. I’ll probably pickup the new civ in 6-8 months once it has an expansion.
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