From Software’s Elden Ring Gets First Gameplay Reveal, Coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox Platforms January 2022


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: From Software

From Software announced that it was developing a new action RPG called Elden Ring back in 2019. Created in collaboration with Game of Thrones novelist George R. R. Martin, the heavily hyped but mysterious title finally received an official gameplay trailer today that includes knights, dragons, and a dark, Gothic atmosphere—basically, everything that a Dark Souls fan might have been hoping for. Comprising an epic journey in a vast landscape with natural weather and time-of-day progression, Elden Ring will be released for the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on January 21, 2022.

Traverse on foot or horseback, alone or online with friends across grassy plains, suffocating swamps and lush forests. Ascend spiraling mountains, enter breathtaking castles, and witness other sites of grandeur on a scale never seen...

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Bandai namco... isn't that the same company that gave us the **** ninja Gaiden port? Hard pass.
What a giant meh. There is nothing here to get me even 1% excited for this.
They probably spent half their budget on having RR in the credits. And the game looks as generic as it gets. Or did they think the more ridiculous the monsters the better the game? I don't think so, walking pot, and giant hand are not very good selling points.
I wish he would get back to writing before he pulls a RJ and keels over with his series unfinished... but I fear we are doomed to repeat that.

I have no ill will against GRRM cashing in - the guy is a creative genius, and if he can get paid, let the man get paid. I just wish he hadn't given up his day job that made him famous before he finished his series.

That said - yeah... I don't expect too much from this. Apart from just Pacman, Bandai Namco makes a lot of the popular JRPG/Arcade titles. The Dark Souls titles are probably their most popular/well known titles out here in the West outside of the JRPG/Arcade stuff. So I don't think it's that Bandai Namco necessarily means a hot garbage game, but yeah, they are mostly an Arcade/Console shop and aren't exactly a PC powerhouse.

This could be good, but it won't be because of, or in spite of, GRRM. It's being billed as a multiplayer Souls - which could be very interesting.
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