Game Developer for Hogwarts Legacy Resigns


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Portkey Games

It was reported in January that Avalanche Software’s open-world Harry Potter RPG, Hogwarts Legacy, was being delayed to give it the time it needs to provide the best gaming experience. Now it seems there may be more happening behind the scenes, as game developer Troy Leavitt has left Avalanche Software. Kotaku reported that he posted tweets announcing his departure, with plans to publish more videos on his YouTube channel about this latest turn of events.

1. I have made the decision to part ways with Avalanche Software. I have nothing but good things to say about the game, the dev team, and WB Games. 2. I will be releasing a YouTube Video about...

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I've heard that the woke mob dug out that he was a gamergate sympathizer and these days that's enough to have you hanged.
If you don't support / allie with today's cult concerns, you're automatically labeled some type of *phobia* hatred in these woke / sjw minds now that has a tiny fraction of a voice in a industry that never needed that mess ideology for off-the-charts growth... EVER... and never will.

Dude is fine and he quit on his own with a piece of mind.

Nothing to see here.
Guy quits job. News at 11.

Not sure why this is a story, at least yet.
We'll see. Not expecting anything really dramatic out of it, but anything's possible. However, it is interesting how they tried to spin off a delayed-release one way one month, and then this happened not too long after. Pretty sure the game will come out none-the-less, someday. ;)
Aaw, when I read the title I thought the studio shelved the game, no doubt the game will still come out, not that I even knew it existed b4 this news post.
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