Ghost of Yōtei Marks the Beginning of a Franchise That Will Include at Least One Movie and Other Spinoffs, Sucker Punch Confirms as Players Celebr...


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Ghost of Yōtei, a follow-up to Ghost of Tsushima that takes place more than 300 years after the events of the 2020 action-adventure game and stars a new hero, Atsu, on a quest for vengeance in the lands surrounding what is now Hokkaido, Japan, marks the beginning of an official franchise that will include at least one movie, as well as other spinoffs, according to a new report that features new comments from Nate Fox and Jason Connell, creative directors at Sucker Punch Productions.

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so they are pulling an assassins creed and.. wait I did this post... on the OTHER thread talking about this game being 300 years after the first... what the heck?
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