Google Announces Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), and Pixel 5 Smartphones


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Google

At long last, Google has finally introduced its newest Pixel smartphone lineup for 2020: the Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), and Pixel 5. The budget Pixel 4a, which starts at just $349, will be available as soon as this month, while the latter models will debut sometime in the fall.

Billed by the marketing department as the “everything you love about Google” phone, the Pixel 4a sports a Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G SoC, Titan M security module for on-device security, 6 GB of RAM, 128 GB of storage, and a battery that “lasts all day.” It also features the same awesome camera from the standard, more expensive Pixel 4.

“With the same incredible camera experiences from Pixel 4 and a redesigned hole-punch design, Pixel 4a brings...

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I'm still rocking a Galaxy Note 4...
My sis has a Google Pixel 3 and my mom a 2, and they seem pretty pleased. I don't know much about the Pixel series. Or most newer phones actually.
Still rocking a 2XL. Wife has a 3aXL and loves it. I've been waiting for the 5. If they don't bring the finger print sensor back I'll be disappointed.
Google can roll up the pixels and shove them... Along with their cell service.
I got the 3XL and I'm pleased with it. Not sure I'll be upgrading anytime soon unless something bad happens like the screen breaks or I lose it.
I have a Pixel 3 (the smaller one). I'm pretty happy with it, apart from the fact that I cant listen to music on a wired external device while charging :/ That is really goddamned annoying, because Bluetooth isnt worth **** for quality...

That's the only downside to it though.

(well, I mean, expandable storage and a swappable battery would be nice, but I guess those days are never coming back.)

The Pixel 4 was a huge disappointment to me on launch. It was heavily focused on things I did not want. Face unlock, Google Assistant, Cloud services. You name it. Everything I hate, it had in spades.

If they hadn't removed the fingerprint unlock reader I could have bought one and just used it without those features like I do now with my 3, but they had to go sabotage that as well.

I really don't like the way they are going with their phones.

The first thing I did when I got the Pixel 3 was to revert it to the classic "triangle, circle, square" interface, because I hated the new one. Next I disabled the assistant and all cloud enabled features, and third, installed Nova launcher so I never have to see the stock launcher.

After doing these three things it's actually a great phone, but out of the box I didn't like the 3 either.

I'll have to read up on these 4a and 5 models to see if I would find them acceptable. I'm going to guess I won't, just because of the direction Google has been going with them as of late, but honestly if I had to buy a phone today, I'm not sure what else I'd get.

I consider frequent security patches essential, and Google is really the only one who has been doing this. Samsung and everyone else give you one update every several months, if you are lucky. So many security holes out there on phones.

I'd also never buy a Chinese brand, and Motorola is now a Chinese brand. It doesn't leave many options.

I'd probably wind up looking for something with out of the box support for Lineage OS, at least that way I'd get the frequent security patches.


It looks like the 4a has a finger print sensor, which is positive.
Any particular reason?
As far as the service.. i had it for what felt like a year.. it was great for a while, then some weird **** started happening with the mobile data accounting, nothing was resolved. For months I was way way under ( as expected), then with no change in behavior I was over and over (which would increase charges proportionally) even with complete shut off of mobile communication, still way more according to them.
As far as devices, they killed the nexus lines, and started jacking up prices, because everyone is apple.
I've been looking for a new phone for a while now. Depending on the feature set of the Pixel 5 I might pick one up. But if they don't bring the fingerprint scanner back I'll be going with a OnePlus 8 Pro.
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