Google Has Killed Its Tablet Business


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Google has conceded to the Apple iPad. While there hasn't been an official announcement, a Google spokesperson has confirmed that the company would no longer produce tablets.

This makes 2018's Pixel Slate the last of its kind. According to Computerworld, there were two smaller-sized tablets under development, but these have been canceled.

Google will focus on laptops going forward.

As for that future, a Google spokesperson tells me it's quite possible we'll see a new laptop-oriented Pixelbook product before the end of this year. The existing Pixel Slate will continue to be supported and to receive regular software updates all the way through June of 2024, meanwhile, as had initially been promised — nothing's changing there.
This is what I fear with Google's Stadia. If it struggles (and it's going to have stiff competition from established entities), I'm worried Google won't have the gumption to work through possible difficulties.
I guess that means they have pulled the plug on supporting my Nexus 7 (2013)?
I guess that means they have pulled the plug on supporting my Nexus 7 (2013)?

Didnt they pull the plug on that ages ago? I had one, but mine died. I could have sworn they stopped releasing updates, so I put LineageOS on it.
Honestly, at this point, everyone should know that Google is a terrible company to buy products from or expect support from. They are the definition of fly by night in so many markets. They should bring back the Beta tag for all of their products.
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