Hideki Kamiya Reminds Fans That Bayonetta 3 Is Exclusive to Nintendo Switch, PC Port Extremely Unlikely


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: PlatinumGames

Hideki Kamiya, executive producer of Bayonetta 3, has clarified that the third installment of PlatinumGames’ hit action franchise is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch following an inquiry from fans as to whether the series will ever be seen again on non-Nintendo platforms such as the PC. This isn’t really surprising, as Nintendo not only owns the publishing rights for the Bayonetta sequels but also helped fund their development.

A translation of Kamiya’s tweets regarding Bayonetta 3’s Switch exclusivity, courtesy of Nintendo Everything:

Just like with Bayonetta 2, we’re developing Bayonetta 3 with funding from Nintendo. We are only involved in development. All decisions about the final product are up to Nintendo. So feel free to send your requests of ‘release the game on other consoles’ to Nintendo. If Nintendo asks us to port the game to PS5, we...

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As much as I'd really love for 2 (and now 3) to be on PC, the whole reason these games even happened was cuz of Nintendo. SEGA were the dumb-f*cks who canceled the 2nd game. Nintendo stepped in and funded development for 2 and then 3, so I knew those games were gonna be stuck on Switch. Sucks, but better than not getting the games at all. In any case, if you really wanna play them on PC, you can play 2 on the Wii U emulator Cemu, and I'm sure 3 will be playable on one of the Switch emulators that are out at some point in the future.
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Some of these devs' outbursts seem staged and not genuine at all because I have not come across, anywhere, on social media, tech/gaming sites, etc. handlers that there is an outrage that B3 is not coming to more platforms.

Honestly, it has been the opposite since there are no *assets* on the horizon.

Some of these devs' outbursts seem staged and not genuine at all because I have not come across, anywhere, on social media, tech/gaming sites, etc. handlers that there is an outrage that B3 is not coming to more platforms.
I only remember there being outrage for 2 being exclusive to Switch. All the fans were expecting it on X360 and PS3 (or XB1 and PS4, since those systems were out by the time the game came out). I was one of those who complained. Of course at the time I did not know that it was Nintendo who was making the 2nd game possible in the first place. Plus later I was able to play the game on my brother's Wii U, and then I ended up with a Wii U myself, so I got my own copy of the game. If I had known 2 was gonna be ported to Switch I would have just waited for that. Oh well. But yeah, after how 2 ended up Nintendo-exclusive, I don't think anyone was expecting 3 to come out on any platform other than Switch.

Yeah I saw this game during that recent PlayStation digital event or whatever it was. Seems interesting. Definitely gave me a bit of a Bayonetta vibe. Hope the combat engine holds up. And if it turns out good, I hope it comes to PC.
Project Eve is not exclusive to the PS platform (not yet anyway), it was only showcased on the system.

As of now, Project Eve is coming to all platforms.
Which is code for: it is definitely coming to PC, we just don't want you to wait for it, because we want your money NOW!
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