How do I relearn how to aim?


Aug 17, 2023
Hi, I think this is the right place for this.
I've been playing games on pc for around 6 years now, predominantly fps games, however I've always felt like my aim is terrible compared to my friends when I watch them. I've spent a while trying to work out what it could be, before coming to the conclusion that I'm terrible to keeping track of my crosshair/centre of my screen, as well as understanding how recoil really works and how to deal with it.
I'm not sure how to deal with these issues, I've tried to find videos to help me but nothing seems to work, the videos always just say 'use an aimtrainer and you'll improve', but that has failed help if I can't even focus on my crosshair/operate recoil.
Any advice/good videos people know of to help me? Even if it means relearning to aim from scratch, thank you.
Main games I play are; apex, overwatch (used to, was really really bad with the visual clutter there), cs:go and valorant
If this is the wrong channel/forum site I apologise, a redirect would be appreciated if so :)
Thank you in advance.
Honestly with your description sounds like you need to look into glasses. If you can't even focus on your crosshairs aiming is going to be a bitch.
My opinion: have fun, who cares. I’ve found as I got older that some games just are too twitchy for me any more to be competitive on any significant level and you just have to play to have fun.

I can’t aim for crap any more either, not that I was ever great, but yeah - I just play to have fun now.
You might just not have the hand eye coordination or visual acuity for gaming. I don't know. I would say, look into glasses or contacts if you have a hard time seeing the cursor. Another thing that can help is changing the cursor color and shape within the game. Some games have options for this. Color blind settings might really help you here. A lot of games have those.

Part of it can also come down to you taking too long to identify a target before firing. Unless friendly fire is enabled, I would simply shoot at anything that moves. If a pixel isn't stationary, shoot that ****er. There are no consequences to being wrong in that scenario. I mistakenly shoot friendlies in multiplayer and single player games as a result of this behavior, but I also have very fast reaction times as a result.
Thanks for the replies so far, I have had my eyes tested in the last 6 months and I dont have any issues with them aside from dry eyes, although colourblindness settings might not be a bad idea to try out.
Its predominantly that I lose track of my crosshair when things are moving a lot, it seems to blend into everything else and I lose track of it very quickly, or when i start to shoot and recoil kicks in in valo and cs.
Awareness might also be a factor true, might have to try the 'if it moves, kill it' method.
Thanks again so far :)
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