Huawei Mate XT Is the World’s First Tri-Fold Smartphone, Starting at $2.8K


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The Mate XT, a new smartphone that is said to be the world's first to boast a tri-fold design, featuring a special OLED display that can expand to 10.2 inches in a way that's been likened to an accordion, is headed to select markets, Chinese electronics maker Huawei has announced.

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Well, tell the price part. Still nice tech.
Enjoy some complementary spyware courtesy of Chinese Peoples Liberation Army military intelligence with your absurd fancy foldy phone :p

To be fair, we're getting the same thing, except it's corporations feeding NSA, and other corporations. ☹️
To be fair, we're getting the same thing, except it's corporations feeding NSA, and other corporations. ☹️

That is true.

There are legal opinions on file that if data is commercially available and can be bought, then law enforcement can use it without a warrant.

Considering how many data brokers there are with files on all of us and willing to sell it to the highest bidder, there are some real due process concerns here.

On the flipside, with the China angle, they do so much industrial espionage it is crazy. I work in product development. I'd hate for my choice of hardware to wind up compromising my work's IP, and as has happened so many times before, result in a company folding, as their designs are stolen, and the Chinese government hands over tons of cash to a Chinese company to produce and dump the product on the international market, driving its inventor/designer out of business.

I would rather not lose my job this way. Rinse and repeat enough times in scale and the entire U.S. economy can suffer because of it.

They are hell bent on taking over the world economy by any means necessary. Most people are very naive about this. They even say it out loud. It's not as if this is some sort of secret. If it were up to me there would be a complete ban on imports of any electronics product designed and developed in China, and an effort to attempt to re-home as much electronics manufacturing as possible, so we are not dependent on them for that portion of the supply-chain either. It's just too risky. Then I'd even try to limit exports China of anything other than old technology to limit IP theft that way.

So my take is this. BOTH types of data theft are concerning and important. At least to me the Chinese threat is more immediate however. There are very real and serious consequences that might come out of the collapse of 4th amendment protections as we have come to know them though, but that is a little abstract at this point.

I suppose I could be accused of a murder I didn't commit because my phone places me somewhere geographically, and that would be terrible, but it feels less real somehow, In a few years it might not. Time will tell.
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