James Cameron: Filming on Avatar 2 “100 Percent Complete,” Avatar 3 Close Behind


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: 20th Century Fox

It’s been over a decade in the making, but James Cameron has finally finished filming his sequel to 2009’s blockbuster hit, Avatar. The Terminator and Aliens director also confirmed that principal photography for the third film – Avatar 3 – is nearing completion.

“…COVID hit us like it hit everybody…we lost about four and a half months of production,” the director told Arnold Schwarzenegger during a recent Zoom interview. “As a result of that, we’ve rolled around one more full year for a release in December of 22.”

“Now that doesn’t mean I have an extra year to finish the film,” he added. “Because the day we deliver Avatar 2, we’ll just start working on finishing Avatar 3. We’ve got about 10 percent left to go. We’re 100 percent complete on Avatar 2, and we’re sort of 95 percent complete on Avatar...

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I'll be curious to see how he progresses the story line for this. Felt like the story was nicely wrapped up to me.
The space version of Dances with Wolves.....

The first was ok, but we will see what's in these new films what Disney wants to charge us to see them at home.
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