Johnny Depp Won’t Return to Pirates of the Caribbean


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is the last time that anyone will be able to see Johnny Depp as fan-favorite captain Jack Sparrow. That's according to the 58-year-old actor, who told a cross-examiner during a court hearing last week about how he had no intention of working on a new Pirates film with Disney.

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Only the first movie was worth anything anyway. The last one was patently awful. Johnny Depp played Johnny Depp in it. Worst performance ever.
Only the first movie was worth anything anyway. The last one was patently awful. Johnny Depp played Johnny Depp in it. Worst performance ever.
Johnny Depp can only play Johnny Depp. You can only go so far doing that.
That's like saying Keanu Reeves can only play Keanu Reeves.. It works so far.
Keanu is a guy that seems to be able to play any kind of character, but lately is typecast into similar roles.

When you see a Johny Depp character, you see Johnny Depp as the character.
When you see say a Kevin Bacon character, you just see the character.
Keanu used to be like Kevin Bacon in that regard.
Keanu is a guy that seems to be able to play any kind of character, but lately is typecast into similar roles.

When you see a Johny Depp character, you see Johnny Depp as the character.
When you see say a Kevin Bacon character, you just see the character.
Keanu used to be like Kevin Bacon in that regard.
I'm not disparaging Keanu, I love most of his work. But he has a 'type' he is cast as. The laid back but capable of great violence type right now. Kind of like what happened with the guy that played Aragorn. He was put into a bunch of roles that were layed back but suddenly capable of extreme violence. Both good actors in my book.

Yet they have the same range as say... Johnny Depp does. And has had. Hell his Edward Scissorhands role is DRASTICALLY different than any others I've seen him play. HIs barber role was very different, but his quiet mode portrayal is... similar to being quiet in other roles. It's his version of stillness I suppose.
I'm not disparaging Keanu, I love most of his work. But he has a 'type' he is cast as. The laid back but capable of great violence type right now. Kind of like what happened with the guy that played Aragorn. He was put into a bunch of roles that were layed back but suddenly capable of extreme violence. Both good actors in my book.

Yet they have the same range as say... Johnny Depp does. And has had. Hell his Edward Scissorhands role is DRASTICALLY different than any others I've seen him play. HIs barber role was very different, but his quiet mode portrayal is... similar to being quiet in other roles. It's his version of stillness I suppose.

IMO Johnny Depp makes almost every role look the same. It's just a different kind of crazy. But hey to each its own.
The main reason Johnny Depp should not be returning to the Pirates of the Caribbean series is because they finally stopped f*cking making Pirates of the Caribbean movies. This article makes it seem like they plan to release another one, and I ask "WHYYYY?!" Stop that sh1t!!!

I don't know why I watched 4 and 5. I really should not have done that. Well, at least I wasted as few memory brain cells as possible, cuz I can barely recall either movie. Man, those were some real turds. Like what possesses a man to watch 2 more movies after how the original trilogy ended? I need help.

Only the first movie was worth anything anyway.
They really should have stopped there.
My understanding is that for some time the plan has been to move beyond Depp. They were trying to set that up with the last two movies and especially #5. I agree, it probably should've ended at the first and I still cringe at some of the horrible camera shots in the final battle in #3. My wife, of course, likes #4 because of mermaids and then #5 because of a crystal island. That's about the high point for her with either of them. The whole thing with the Trident just opens a huge can of worms that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Boo hoo. I never made it past the 2nd one. The first was ok bc it was something different, but churning out endless sequels just devalues them
The sad truth is, Disney has destroyed themselves here by allowing Depp to *breathe life* into this character for too many years (~20-years) and it doesn't matter if all installments were good or bad, majority of fans will only see, and want, POTC Captain Jack Sparrow performed by Depp.

If no Depp, Disney needs to move on from this franchise and start a new pirate title/story/protagonist.
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