Lan All Night -- Dallas Lanparty


Slightly less n00b
Jul 6, 2019
With Quakecon and Dreamhack both being cancelled this year, if you're like me, you could sure use a lan party! Lan All Night (
has thrown a couple of lan parties the past year (some of them 'social distance lan parties') and they've announced their next event for October 22 - 24. From what I've seen, these look like legit old school lan parties with a couple hundred BYOC spots. I know "LAN" isn't really necessary these days, but it's still quite fun to gather together and play in the same room. Anyway, this chapter of LANFest is still relatively new, but thought I would post for those itching for some old school PC gaming lan parties.
I’m getting old - probably my throw out my back trying to lug my rig around these days….

I remember my first Quakecon, 2006, I had this awesome lan bag from Sunbeam (Pretty sure this is it: which made carrying my PC bearable. Fortunately I had an LCD monitor at the time too. Now, I just use a luggage cart for both with works great.
Now, Quakecon 2005, which was my brother's first Quakecon, the line to get in was like a mile long and he didn't have any type of carrying assistance. So he said he carried his giant CRT a few feet, then would go back and push (slide) his tower on the floor to move up in line..
Ahhh... Those were the days! (sort of)
Lol, lugging around a 15” crt and a full size Aopen tower with a VP6 armed with Tualatins is not a thing I’d miss, ever.
I wish I still had that box

Although, my Haf 932 with the Threadripper guts and water sure comes close in weight.

I haven’t done a LAN party in a day and an age...
Quakecon was at its best when it was at the Mesquite Convention Center. Those were the best times, periot.
Quakecon was at its best when it was at the Mesquite Convention Center. Those were the best times, periot.
Never went during those years (first year was 2005), but I can definitvely say Quakecon started to go downhill quick once Zenimax/Bethesda purchased id Software in 2009. Now -- It's still a great time, don't get me wrong. But knowing what it once was, you can't help but yearn to go back in time.
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