Last-Gen Consoles Reportedly Face Stock Issues at Various Retailers


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Sony/Microsoft

Microsoft and Sony’s next-gen consoles have been hard to find, as neither companies have been able to produce enough to meet demand. That has led to increased sales of previous-gen consoles, which has reportedly resulted in shortages and higher prices. One seller on Amazon has a new PS4 Slim 1 TB for over $150 its MSRP price. It is also reportedly becoming difficult to find a new Xbox One that isn’t refurbished or pre-owned. It appears the greatest shortages are happening in North America.

Image: Amazon
Image: Walmart

This console shortage news began as controller shortage news. A source close to retail chain GameStop...

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So you're saying now is a good time to get rid of my PS4 PRO?
Might be why one of my local supermarkets has stopped selling anything Xbox related, they already did not have a lot of Xbox games but everything seems to be gone now.
I heard through family that food items will start being hard to come by. Dunno how accurate that is. Seems the world is adjusting and we're seeing the effects of lack of spare parts across the board.
Who would be so desperate for a last gen console at this point.... unless they are Ukrainian miners?
Who would be so desperate for a last gen console at this point.... unless they are Ukrainian miners?

If you can't buy current gen, and want to play games you buy what's available, consoles also break down so they may want a replacement.

Also the cheaper price migh have something to do with it.
If you can't buy current gen, and want to play games you buy what's available, consoles also break down so they may want a replacement.

Also the cheaper price migh have something to do with it.
I think I went through three PS2s by the time the PS3 came out. Had two PSones as well.
I think I went through three PS2s by the time the PS3 came out. Had two PSones as well.

I still have my og one and that one has seen a lot of abuse, used it to play games but also as my audio CD player, only had image on myu TV and sound on my hifi, good times, did have one broken PS2, stopped with consoles after that until midway trough he PS4 era.
Those original models had a better GPU. When they switched to the actual PSone designation it was downgraded slightly while the CD-ROM got an improvement. I kept mine for years and it even outlasted numerous PS2s until I got a slim and then finally retired it.
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