Manufacturers Say They Are Not Facing the Same Issues in Shipping Desktops as Dell


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Dell

Dell is unable to ship many of its gaming desktops to California and other states due to new energy consumption regulations. Other manufacturers say they are not experiencing the same problem.

Tom’s Hardware reached out to Acer, Lenovo, MSI, and the CEC executive director, and each had something to say regarding Dell’s claims. Acer stated that it has full compliance with all of its desktops made or shipped after July 1, 2021, while Lenovo said it was not facing any restrictions with its Legion desktops.

MSI systems product management director Clifford Chun said that most issues can be resolved through motherboard and BIOS settings. He added that...

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Yeah this was what I was wondering. The law as far as I can tell, has to do with idle power vs max power. All you have to do is put the computer in Balanced or Energy Saver energy mode and it will work for the most part. I can't think of any modern system that won't idle at low tens of watts, and sleep/hibernate in the single digit watts... unless you intentionally configure it not to.
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