Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige Doesn’t Think Audiences Will Grow Tired of Superhero Movies


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Critics of superhero films believe that they'll go away eventually, but the boss of Marvel Studios, perhaps unsurprisingly, doesn't agree with that. Speaking for a recent episode of The Movie Business Podcast (via Variety), Kevin Feige contested the idea of comic book movies being a "fad," suggesting that they will be around forever because of the flexibility of the medium and how there is so much that can be adapted, from multiple genres.

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I have no problem with superhero movies and tend to enjoy them... As long as they have a good story and engaging characters. Both of those elements have been completely missing from most of the Marvel movies since Endgame.
I have no problem with superhero movies and tend to enjoy them... As long as they have a good story and engaging characters. Both of those elements have been completely missing from most of the Marvel movies since Endgame.
Same. I grew up on comics (mainly Marvel), and while the stories aren't like I remember them they are entertaining.
There is an ebb and flow to these things so I'm sure they are not going anywhere in the end but might go away or be less succesfull for a while.
Well if you strech things far enough we can start talking about Greek literature, and further back, so sure, ' super' heroes are as old as time itself. Doesn't mean they aren't taking things too far with the movies.
Of course the person most invested in being able to produce his stupid little movies ad infinitum insists it will be around forever. It's like asking a tobacco manufacturer to lecture on the health benefits of smoking. Oh yeah, they did that all the way to the 90s.
I'm not sure why, since it didn't seem to have anything to do with the next season, but Access Hollywood had a segment on The Boys this morning. I'll probably still watch it for a bit when it comes out but I'm even getting tired of it as well. Seemed like by the end of last season that shock value was taking greater precedence over the story and I was honestly getting bored of it. It seemed to get as bad as GOT where you just imagined the most heinous thing that could happen to a character and waited for it to happen.

I'm sure I'll watch Black Panther 2 when it streams next month but I can't think of anything else on the horizon that I'm interested in. Ant-Man 3/GOTG 3 are coming out in the next few months but not in a hurry for either, but more interested in GOTG. I've been following all the drama with James Gunn/DC and can't say I have high hopes there either.
I can only speak for myself, but ~I~ am tired of them.
I was never a big fan of them to start, but unfortunately nowadays even most non-superhero action movies are made like superhero movies. Which ruins the experience for me. The heroes do superhuman acts and get through things with not a hair out of place that should've killed ordinary people.
Critics of superhero films believe that they'll go away eventually, but the boss of Marvel Studios, perhaps unsurprisingly, doesn't agree with that. Speaking for a recent episode of The Movie Business Podcast (via Variety), Kevin Feige contested the idea of comic book movies being a "fad," suggesting that they will be around forever because of the flexibility of the medium and how there is so much that can be adapted, from multiple genres.

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I agree with him. That being said, I think that there is comic book movie fatigue right now. I think that stems from two things. The main thing is that since their domination at the box office, there seems to be a lack of options at the theater with most things being comic book related. Hollywood seems to think that every movie that gets greenlit needs to make a billion dollars or its not worth doing. This has created a vacuum of anything else at the theater because lets face it, popcorn type movies are generally the only ones with a broad enough appeal to even have a shot at grossing a billion dollars or more.

This is true on TV too. For awhile, there were well over a dozen comic book based TV shows on TV. Even many shows like Lucifer and iZombie were comic book based even if that wasn't readily apparent to most people. Comic book shows have been viable since the 1970's but they hit critical mass on TV just as they have at the box office.

The second thing is, that wokeness has infested all forms of entertainment. Comic books and comic book movies are no different. A lot of the comic book movies lately have ranged from mediocre to outright bad. A lot of that can be attributed to young and inexperienced writers who are agreeing to write something they have no interest in either for the money, or because they can use it as a platform to spread whatever ideology they like. It's probably fair to say that a lot of the studio execs have bought into the idea despite the fact that there probably isn't anything considered "woke" that's been successful since 2016. Anything that shies away from "the message" is seen as mana from Heaven and those films and TV shows end up being elevated, perhaps well above their station for simply trying to be entertaining first.

Few comic book movies try to be entertaining first. The issues that created the environment where this woke garbage can fester and infect franchises will take a very long time to correct. For larger corporate entities this is even more true. Unfortunately, with the people in charge of Warner (DC) and Disney (Marvel) I don't see that changing anytime soon.
If wokeness was so popular anime wouldn't be popular at all. Want to get away from wokeness look at Anime titles. Hell stuff that was considered Hentai before is now basically normal in Anime and even on main stream netflix.

Sure the 'new' hentai is border line worrying if you look at the covers and themes. But one thing none of it is... is woke.
I have no problem with superhero movies and tend to enjoy them... As long as they have a good story and engaging characters. Both of those elements have been completely missing from most of the Marvel movies since Endgame.
See, that's my my problem. I'm not a comic guy, but MCU roped me in hard. I was solidly hooked from Iron Man 1 (well a little bit after that) until Infinity War. After that they lost me. Endgame was a disappointment, and sh1t has been going downhill since then. I stuck around for a little bit longer, continuing to watch movies and some of the shows, but they eventually lost me. Now I don't give a sh1t. It wasn't the "superhero" part of the movies that made me lose interest. It was the movies themselves that made me lose interest. MCU movies lost their magic like whoa. The whole franchise is getting f*cked up. It's the bad writing, storytelling, concepts, changes to characters, etc. If the movies were still awesome then I wouldn't be tired of them at all. It makes sense they could only keep the momentum going for so long though. Eventually they would start to get tired and run outta ideas, and no longer be able to properly execute the good ideas they still had. Now it's a mess. I'm basically done with the whole thing.

I'm sure I'll watch Black Panther 2 when it streams next month
I'm gonna watch that just because I wanna see how they move forward without Chadwick Boseman.

A lot of the comic book movies lately have ranged from mediocre to outright bad. A lot of that can be attributed to young and inexperienced writers who are agreeing to write something they have no interest in either for the money, or because they can use it as a platform to spread whatever ideology they like.
Aahh, hhhmmm, yyyeeeaaahhh, so that's how things ended up this way huh?

The issues that created the environment where this woke garbage can fester and infect franchises will take a very long time to correct.
And by then I will probably be old enough for a retirement home.

Few comic book movies try to be entertaining first.
That's all I f*cking want from a movie. It just needs to be entertaining, first and foremost. I don't want messages or agendas forced on me. I just want to kick back and enjoy a good entertaining movie. Otherwise what's the point of watching it? Movies are entertainment. If there's no entertainment to be had, then I'm out. TV shows and movies are barely anything to me compared to video games anyways. And the same stuff we complain about with movies and shows is infecting video games too.
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