Michael Keaton Could Star in HBO Max Batman Beyond Series


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Warner Bros.

The latest rumor is that HBO Max is planning a live-action Batman Beyond series with Michael Keaton returning as an older Bruce Wayne. Small Screen has exclusive sources stating that he is taking the part. The publication has no less than three different sources quoting that the actor has already signed on. If true, this indicates that HBO Max is doubling down with its DC properties in light of Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

It’s ironic that someone who many reviewers initially ridiculed for donning the cape and cowl has become such a huge fan favorite over time. It just goes to show that you can’t always rely on movie reviewers. Back...

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This could be good. After the ending of The Dark Knight Rises there was a lot of speculation that Nolan was going to do a Beyond movie.
This could be good. After the ending of The Dark Knight Rises there was a lot of speculation that Nolan was going to do a Beyond movie.

God I hope not. I hated the way that series ended. I have some issues with Nolan's take on the Dark Knight despite generally enjoying the first two movies in the series. I HATED the third one. I hated nearly every single thing about it. It proved once and for all that Nolan doesn't really understand the character. His main problem was taking too much inspiration from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. A story that gets most of its characters entirely wrong and concludes in the most illogical way.
God I hope not. I hated the way that series ended. I have some issues with Nolan's take on the Dark Knight despite generally enjoying the first two movies in the series. I HATED the third one. I hated nearly every single thing about it. It proved once and for all that Nolan doesn't really understand the character. His main problem was taking too much inspiration from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. A story that gets most of its characters entirely wrong and concludes in the most illogical way.
Nolan's failing was sticking to realism no matter what. That cut out a lot of possibilities from his series of film, and it definitely ruined Bane's character in the third movie.
Nolan's failing was sticking to realism no matter what. That cut out a lot of possibilities from his series of film, and it definitely ruined Bane's character in the third movie.

If I wanted to get into it, my critique of the series as a whole and especially the third movie would probably be longer than one of my motherboard reviews. Again, I liked the first two films well enough in spite of the issues I have with them. However, that third movie is the third worst Batman film of all time as far as I am concerned. The only films that are worse than the Dark Knight Rises are Batman & Robin and Batman Forever.

One of its biggest problem (aside from characterization) is the fact that it took inspiration from several stories from the comics that could each support their own movie, if not their own trilogy and condensed them into a package that did none of the source material justice.
I'm tentatively looking forward to this. Hollywood's ability to rewrite stuff always has me concerned though. Budgetary needs will also be paramount since if they stick to the original material they will need substantial SFX. As is often the case they could make something great only to be cancelled because the budget didn't allow enough of a profit margin.

If done right this could be awesome, but if not it'll be another in a long line of turds from people who don't understand the material. Either way I'm just glad it's not another reboot.
I liked Keaton fine as The Bat Man. Better than Iceman, Danny Ocean, or Bat-Fleck.

What I cannot tolerate is the constant reboots, remakes, reshuffles, special director editions, etc etc. It's time to put Batman away for a while and let things chill. I would support a 5-10 cooling off period before any more superhero movies, they have gotten out of control.

But we all know THAT won't happen.

On a side note, did anyone see Birdman with Keaton? That movie was pretty good.
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