I disagree. Without human input there can be no original content. It's just an algorithm that mashed together existing stuff and attempts to pass it off as it's own.
I just explained how AI works, you can dislike it, but that won't change the fundamentals of it. When a human artist learns to paint he/she also looks at thousands of works from others, that is not theft, that is learning and getting inspiration.
There is no such thing as truly original content, humans are also incapable of making something from nothing, they can only mix and match what they seen elsewhere. Take our depictions of an "alien" for example. We can not make something truly alien, we can only take elements we already saw in the animal kingdom and mix and match them. This is exactly how AI art works also.
It is a fact that it was created by a human that makes it real.
I don't know what that means. AI art is real and it is here to stay whether some people like it or not. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle. They can put up roadblocks preventing AI assisted art from being copyrighted or monetized, but that only prevents its use in professional circles, but it can no longer be taken away from hobbyists.
Anything a machine algorithm does is just reusing that humans creation in increasingly abstract ways.
I told you it does not reuse anything. After it has been trained, the original imagery that it has learnt from is discarded, poof, gone, no longer there.
When you see AI art that looks almost the same as an original traditional artwork, that is not normal, that was manipulated by a human to make it look similar. And thus it is the human's fault for trying to steal someone else's art. If you just use the AI normally with no malicious intent, it can not accurately recreate any original art that was used in its training. It's like you trying to draw something you saw once from memory.
As opposed to what its name would suggest, artificial intelligence has no Intelligence, and never will have any integgilgence.
And I've been saying that for a decade to doomsday fearmongers. AI has no will or ambitions, outside of what the human controller programs into it.
It just gets increasingly better at mimicking intelligence. Turing got that one wrong. Fooling a human that it is real does not make it real, no matter how convincing it gets.
Yes, but this has nothing to do with AI generated art or whether AI generated art is stealing other people's work.