Nintendo Is Making a Wireless SNES Controller for the Switch


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
A ResetEra member has spotted an FCC filing for a wireless Super Nintendo controller with the model number "HAC-042," which is the same designation given to Switch hardware and accessories. The discovery seems to confirm that Nintendo will be adding SNES games to its online service.

Currently, Nintendo Switch Online only offers NES titles, which comprise classics such as Mario Bros., Metroid, and The Legend of Zelda. Judging by this trend, N64 (and even GameCube) games may not too far off.

Nintendo released a NES controller for the Switch when it began launching NES games for Nintendo Online subscribers a year ago. 12 months on, we're now getting to the bottom of the barrel for those.
Nice, I assume it will follow the same quality standards as the originals. D-pad is everything.
Ah this is good news. I still need to try out the NES ones they currently offer.
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