NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 and RTX 3080 GPUs Will Reportedly Launch in September


Staff member
May 28, 2019

There has been quite a bit of speculation about NVIDIA’s upcoming Ampere-based cards. It began when a photo of a potential RTX 3080 was leaked on the internet. One day after that, fans took it upon themselves to create professional-looking renders of what they believed the finished product might resemble. Soon after, it was discovered that NVIDIA had launched an investigation into the leaked photos. All of this attention did not stop another leak from happening, as the...

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Just in time for Prime Day, just as I figured. I suspect we'll be hearing AMD dropping Big Navi around the same time, if not, then Big Navi won't be the Nvidia killer after all.
I think for most it will come down to price performance. AMD should price significantly lower than Nvidia performance.... Yes I know AMD is not a charity, but as the underdog, they kind of need to. So if they have a small die architecture that does proper performance, then they should consider undercutting nvidia by a lot.
Just in time for Prime Day, just as I figured. I suspect we'll be hearing AMD dropping Big Navi around the same time, if not, then Big Navi won't be the Nvidia killer after all.

I never expected Big Navi to be an Nvidia killer. More of an Nvidia Catcher-Upper :p

If half the stuff Coreteks is predicting is around the corner, it looks like Nvidia is going even more all in when it comes to ray tracing.

AMD might be set to catch up with traditional raster performance, but I suspect the goal posts may be moving on them

I know, I know, I hate Youtube bullshit too, but a lot of this stuff just isn't available in article form anymore, as the ad revenue just isn't there :( Kids these days just don't like to read :(

Illiterate ****s.
I watch his vids when they drop, too. He's supposed to be covering AMD in the next one so it should be interesting to hear what he has to say. At least when he prognosticates it comes from a place of intelligence, even if he gets it wrong. Everyone else seems to rely mostly on the "I know a guy..." method which makes me think they watch too many movies. As you so eloquently pointed out...illiterate ****s, lol.
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