NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 to Cost Nearly $2,000?


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Colorful

Guru of 3D has shared a screenshot from an alleged insider who claims to have pricing information on two of Colorful’s high-end NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 SKUs. The Vulcan (air-cooled) model will supposedly cost 14,999 CNY, while the Neptune (hybrid liquid-cooled) model will supposedly cost 15,999 CNY. That translates to around $2,100 and $2,300, respectively.

“ChipHell user Alienxzy posted a screenshot taken from an insider account (alleged) with information regarding plans for next-gen RTX 3090,” Guru of 3D wrote. “The partner in dispute here would be Colorful, and there is validity there as the guy posted a screenshot. Colorful would be releasing two high-end versions of the RTX 3090 graphics card, a Vulcan (air-cooled) and then a Neptune (hybrid...

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I skipped the 2080 generation, I'm VERY interested in the 3080 and 3090. But if that is the price of entry, well....too rich for my blood.
First off, I like the steampunk look of that card. It would almost be worth 2K if the gears actually moved and did stuff.

But yeah, the high end has almost always been more than I was comfortable with. I get queasy at $500 but I've done it a time or two, any more and I'm just out, I can't justify it to myself.

$2k is about what I typically spend on an entire rig, give or take a couple hundred.

Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to seeing what the 3070 (or whatever) and AMD bring to the table in the lower tiers though. Just not particularly interested in the top tiers apart from how it ends up trickling down to mere mortals.
$2k?! 😂😂😂😂😂

First off, I like the steampunk look of that card. It would almost be worth 2K if the gears actually moved and did stuff.
I dunno man... I guess it depends on the case, but the shroud is facing down in my case, so you wouldn't even be able to see it, so what's the point?

Yeah... there's no way I'm spending $2k on a video card. Anything over $1k is already hard to justify considering how little I play... I guess we'll know more soon enough.
I dunno man... I guess it depends on the case, but the shroud is facing down in my case, so you wouldn't even be able to see it, so what's the point?

Right Angle riser.
I don’t use one now, but if I had that card (and the gears did stuff) I would totally showcase it
Yea it. Might be for some. I still hope the top end non ocd card is 1k. And everything else tiered down from there. It won't be... I know..
This is the first step...
Nvidia will grow a culture of ' videophiles' and let the era of the 6000$ video cards and 1000$ helium encased cables begin!
Maybe yields for th top chips are realy, realy bad? even then too rich for my blood.
I am not surprised.
I had guessed around 1500.
If so, the plain 3080 will probably be 1100......
I guessed $1500, too. No one will gaf about how great the card performs if they can't afford it to begin with. I stopped looking at reviews for things outside my budget a long time ago.
If I were dropping mad MO ey on super ultra wide displays and needed to push all those pixels for a display.. I could see spending the money. I'm just waiting for the news that the new cards require pcie 4.0 x 16. People will flip right the eff out.
Yeah, I think I'd have a tough time convincing the Wife (and myself) to spend that much on a GPU. Hoping prices are a bit more sane further down the tiering (looking to snag a 3080 myself).

Hoping AMD will hit at least a 3080 level of performance to keep Nvidia's pricing in check. The RX 5700 XT did great things in that regard.
This is the first step...
Nvidia will grow a culture of ' videophiles' and let the era of the 6000$ video cards and 1000$ helium encased cables begin!

Perhaps more along the lines of Apple -- nVidia looking to capitalize on the following they (nVidia) have built who nearly always buy the next greatest thing -- If true (all pricing rumors), it tells something for the expectations nVidia has (low at that) for next Gen AMD Graphic products and Intel's expected first release (or lack there-of for this Gen)... On the flip-side, nVidia carrying the lead now as long as they have (for performance top end crown), they have done better than Intel (on cpu side of things) with advancements and driving new features (good, bad, or otherwise)...

Don't get me wrong.

I can afford a $2k video card.

Compared to a car modification hobby or a boat hobby that is small money.

It would have to be a truly revolutionary product able to do previously unimaginable things for me to be willing to spend that much money on a video card though.

I don't like feeling like I am being ripped off, and this so definitely in ripoff territory as pricing goes.

A simple +xx% improvement in performance will not cut it, nor will more raytracing.

And even if it is truly revolutionary, I'd be leaning against it.

In 2001 I bought the fastest GPU money could buy, the GeForce 3 TI500 for $349. Just by looking at it though, it seems pretty clear it was of a different era, and that just isn't realistic anymore due to the increasing complexity of these things.


Anny pricetag over ~$650 for any consumer video card - however - makes my ripoff senses tingle. I reluctantly bought two Titans in a row because they were the only GPU's able to provide a 60+ fps experience when I was an early adopter of 2560x1600 (2013 Titan 6GB) and 4k (Pascal Titan X) but I consider those to be temporary exceptions due to the bump in resolution, not a new higher price I'll be willing to pay going forward.

I expect GPU's to come back down in price, not continue their ever skyrocketing ridiculous nonsense.
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Does it really cost that much to make these things?

It costs more than it used to due to the growing compexity of chips these days with die shrinks becoming more difficult and limited capacity with TSMC and the like.

That said, it does not cost THAT much.

For a long time Nvidia just pumped up the prices on high end parts because they could. No competition on the high end means they could charge whatever they wanted, and if you needed high end performance you had to pay.

Now I fear Uvilla is right above. That we are entering a phase of high end computer products as luxury goods not warranted by the technology or the cost but instead by the branding on them. Stupid **** like designer fashion.

It is clear from the design of that cooler that this is designed to be seen in streamers YouTube videos for wannabe streamers to drool over, but to have no functional benefit what so ever.

Kind of a shame too, because anyone who is serious about cooling is going to rip that thing off as soon as they get it, and put a water block on there.

The Gucci era of video cards is upon us.
Don't get me wrong.

I can afford a $2k video card.

In 2001 I bought the fastest GPU money could buy, the GeForce 3 TI500 for $349. Just by looking at it though, it seems pretty clear it was of a different era, and that just isn't realistic anymore due to the increasing complexity of these things.

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First up, YES! I had a GF3 TI-500 too. Great card back then, was my first card purchase post 3dfx.

Second, "I can afford a $2k video card". Yeah, me too. But we SHOULDN'T HAVE TO, and I'm not doing it. I thought $1k for the 2080ti's (and thats on the low end) was just stupid. This is what happens without competition, whomever the 800lb gorilla of the market is can charge whatever they want. And they do. When the 3080ti/3090 whatever hits the streets for $1500, I will not be in-line (or on-line, yuk yuk) to buy one.

$500 is my limit for a video card. And considering that's what a PS5 will cost, tough sell. I'm not afraid of buying second hand cards when deals pop up or people unload their last gen stuff for the new hotness. I bought my 1080ti used and I think I will be hanging on to if for a while...
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