Observer: System Redux Gets November 10 Release Date


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Bloober Team

Observer could be considered one of those games that are critically acclaimed but not necessarily popular, sort of like some of those movies we sometimes see listed for an Academy Award. However, this cyberpunk-themed game has some interesting ties deep in the genre. Right away, visuals take us back to those rain-filled streets of Blade Runner. That imagery is not the only thing it has in common, either. You see, the game’s main character is voiced by none other than the late Rutger Hauer. This time around, he’s on the side of law enforcement. Talk about role reversal, eh? Decked out in a trench coat, he starts out investigating the disappearance of his son. Unsurprisingly, not too long into his search, we discover things are not what they seem to be...

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It's not really popular because it's a walking simulator. The critical acclaim comes from the narrative, not the gameplay. Remember how game "journalists" despise gameplay these days, so the less gameplay they have to deal with during a story-driven game the better.
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