Outer Wilds Is the Latest Timed Epic Games Store Exclusive


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Sweeney has gotten his hands on another one. Indie developer Mobius Digital announced on their blog that Outer Wilds “will first be released on XBox One and on PC via the Epic Games Store, with additional platforms coming later.”

The open-world exploration game was crowdfunded, and many backers who expected the game to launch on Steam have voiced their disappointment. One contributor has declared he will never back another of their games again.

Throughout the development of the game, we’ve welcomed helpful partnerships with Annapurna Interactive, XBox, and Epic to support us and keep our small studio running long enough to ship the game at the level of quality that it is today. Each of these partnerships has enabled us to make the game better and more accessible for everyone who will play it.
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