Overwatch 2 Gets a Framerate Cap Increase from 400 to 600 FPS Thanks to NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Blizzard has decided to increase the framerate cap for Overwatch 2 from 400 to 600 FPS, and it's all thanks to the power of NVIDIA's new GeForce RTX 40 Series, according to a new video shared by the company today that shows off the free-to-play shooter running at impressively high framerates at 1440p on a GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card.

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Uhm... Something must be wrong with my math today. I can't seem to tabulate "double the performance" from this metric here. 😏
Ok hear me out.

I get it. 60hz was the rule of thumb back in the day when we didn't have the capability we have today,

90hz can offer a real improvement.

Back in college before I switched to flat panels I played Counter-Strike at 1600x1200 and 100hz vsynced flat on my Geforce 3 TI500 and it was great.

120fps is also great, but we are really starting to get to the point where the difference is difficult to detect.

Show me anyone who who can pick out the difference between 400hz and 600hz repeatedly in a blinded test and I will eat my hat.

  • Under 30: It looks visually choppy.
  • 30hz: looks mostly fine (after all this is what most daytime television runs at), but it feels off and non-responsive when you grab the mouse.
  • 60hz: Minimum playable for FPS and 3rd person type titles
  • 90hz: Slight improvement over 60hz
  • 120hz: Marginal improvement over 90hz, but why not?
  • above 120hz: You are wasting your money and creating lots of noise for absolutely no reason other than maybe bragging rights and a slight reduction of some insane framerate anxiety. If you are lowering video settings to increase framerates above 120hz you are a bloody fool.
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