Overwatch 2 Players Must Play 100 Matches to Unlock Original Characters


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Overwatch 2 players will need to spend a considerable amount of time with the game before they can revisit the franchise's classic characters, according to a new blog post from Blizzard that explains how original Overwatch heroes are locked as part of the game's First Time User Experience (FTUE) and can't be accessed until players beat "approximately 100 matches."

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Not that ever would want to be accused of defending Bliz, nor do I know any details, or even care really, but...

That works out to a character unlock every 3 matches, on average. Put in that context and compared to some of the F2P grindfests I've tried over the years, that doesn't just look reasonable, it sounds outright generous.

When I heard it was F2P, I fully expected each permanent character unlock to cost about $14.99, and the "Free" characters to be some rotating cast of 5. That's about what most of the other F2P titles seem to be doing.
Not that ever would want to be accused of defending Bliz, nor do I know any details, or even care really, but...

That works out to a character unlock every 3 matches, on average. Put in that context and compared to some of the F2P grindfests I've tried over the years, that doesn't just look reasonable, it sounds outright generous.

When I heard it was F2P, I fully expected each permanent character unlock to cost about $14.99, and the "Free" characters to be some rotating cast of 5. That's about what most of the other F2P titles seem to be doing.

For PvP I have been mostly playing apex legends, you can unlock all char's in there with in game currency from playing, never missed a new char on launch day, and I play max 1/h day.

I almost feel bad for not having spent a dime on a game I have been playing almost daily since launch, almost
I almost feel bad for not having spent a dime on a game I have been playing almost daily since launch, almost
Well, having people just play the game is valuable to F2P even if they aren’t paying. No one wants to play a dead game; the trick today is to get enough people playing to attract the whales, and they will come and drop enough cash to support everyone
I hear overwatch 2 has more serious issues than this: Keeping recordings of voice chats, and requiring a phone number to play the game.

Not that I'd ever want to play it, but whatever they do might be extended to other titles.
and requiring a phone number to play the game.
I'm not necessarily opposed to this for play on official servers. But only if they allow private or non-official servers for people who don't want or aren't able to share some identifying ID.
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