Patriot Follows ADATA in Changing SSD Components without Notice or Documentation


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: Patriot

Product specifications are important to many PC enthusiasts. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers update documentation when changes are made. One redditor ordered Patriot’s 2 TB VPN100 SSD and expected to get a drive with the E12 Phison controller with 2 GB of DRAM, but what they got was an E12S controller and 512 of DRAM instead. Patriot seems to be following ADATA, which did something similar only a few months ago. ADATA had gone so far as to ship different products when they sold out during Black Friday. Patriot’s VPN1000 SSD is now sold out on its store page. The user reached out to Patriot about the changes with less than desirable results...

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Only times I have ever purchased Patriot ram is because it was on sale/in stock at Fry's. Now that Fry's is gone, I will buy whatever memory I want... not whatever happens to be in stock at that exact moment. Come to think of it, don't think I have had anything Patriot branded in the last 10 years.
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